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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 12:30 am by M. in ,    No comments
Tomorrow, March 22, it will take place the Japan Brontë Association Kansai Branch 2018 Convention. We ran the program through the Google Translator and this is what we got:
Japan Bronte Association Kansai branch
2018 ConventionPprogram
Place: Kobe City Nursing College Education Building West Building W 13 classroom
Date and time: Thursday, March 22, 2018 13: 30 ~ 19: 30

Moderator: Kazuko Miikawa (lecturer at Kobe University)
Opening remarks: Keiko Hattori (Professor, Osaka Otani University, Japan Bronte Society Kansai Branch)
Greeting from President: Yoshiaki Shirai (Emeritus Professor, Yokohama City University)
Greeting from the school venue: Shizuki Suzuki (President, Kobe City Nursing University)

Research presentation: (13: 45 ~ 14: 45)
Catherine to be planted, second generation to transplant - Read "Wuthering Heights" through plants
Rina Tera (Kyoto University graduate school doctor course)

Missing ring of "Wuthering Heights" family tree
Reiko Noda (member of the Japan Bronte Association)

Symposium: (15: 00-16: 30) Theme "Brontë in History"
"Brontë sisters and literary imagination"
(Moderator) Maki Okumura (Associate Professor, Kyoto University of Education)
'Reconsideration of' passion 'in Charlotte Brontë's novels
Tomomi Minamoto (Associate Professor, Senan University)
" Lack of protection of wife by law as seen in" The Tenant of Wildfell Hall "and" Jane Eyre "
 Masako Ishii (lecturer at Kyoto University)
"Charlotte Brontë and Education"
Hiroko Sugimura (Professor, Osaka Electro-Communication University)

Discourse meeting: (16: 40 ~ 17: 00)
General Assembly: (17: 10 ~ 17: 20)
Closing remarks: Noritsugu Uchida (Advisor of Nippon Brontte Association · Professor Emeritus at Tezukayama Gakuin University)
Social gathering: (17: 30 ~ 19: 30)
Place: Kobe City Nursing College Student Hall 1st floor Student cafeteria


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