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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Tuesday, March 20, 2018 8:07 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
Wuthering Heights 1939 will be broadcast on BBC2 on March 28 and here's how What'sOnTV introduces it.
Laurence Olivier is a darkly handsome Heathcliff, while Merle Oberon, as Cathy, oozes luminous appeal in this classic version of Emily Brontë’s novel.
It perfectly captures the story’s brooding passion – ’What do they know of heaven and hell, Cathy, they who knew nothing of life?’ – while Alfred Newman’s evocative score and the marvellous opening sequence in which housekeeper Flora Robson introduces the tale are picture-perfect contributions to the film’s heady atmosphere.
As the Linton siblings, Geraldine Fitzgerald and David Niven are their respective marriage partners who know nothing of life.
The script was originally intended for Sylvia Sidney and Charles Boyer and when Olivier initially refused the Heathcliff role, Robert Newton was screen tested.
Even the final ghostly walk into the sunset can’t spoil it. Producer Sam Goldwyn ordered the shot (using a double of Olivier) against director William Wyler’s wishes, reputedly commenting, ‘I don’t like stories with people dying in the end.’
The Times Literary Supplement talks about Norman Mailer's library:
The earliest book by a British writer is Charlotte Brontë’s final novel, Villette (1853), a Folio Society edition which shows no dog ears. There is nothing by Austen, Dickens, Trollope, or Hardy. (J. Michael Lennon)
Vogue Australia has an article by model Andreja Pejić:
Meanings that connect humanity, that explore the true essence of existence, of love, the past, the present and the future are what interest me. The poetry of Pablo Neruda and Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre come to mind.
The New York Times wonders whether Dominica can be a travel destination again after hurricane Maria.
In dense downtown Roseau, normalcy was gaining ground. An old man strummed a guitar on a street corner. Uniformed schoolchildren strolled past the dilapidated childhood home of Jean Rhys, whose novel “Wide Sargasso Sea” reimagined the “madwoman in the attic” in “Jane Eyre” as a Dominica-born Creole. (Matt Gross)
Buenos Aires (Argentina) announces that Mexican singer Julieta Venegas will give a masterclass on her life as a reader as part of El Ciclo de Letras 2018 en El Cultural San Martín.
 De nacer en una casa repleta de música pero vacía de libros al deslumbramiento con "Jane Eyre", de la mudanza a la ciudad de México a la construcción de una voluminosa biblioteca, que se alimentaba de cada viaje, de cada gira, sumando títulos de Franz Kafka, Henry James, John Irving, Anais Nin, Paul Auster, John Updike, Norman Mailer, Elena Garro, Juan Rulfo, Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Diamela Eltit, Pedro Lemebel, Belén Gopegui, Javier Marías, Almudena Grandes, Andrés Caicedo y Jorge Franco, entre muchos otros.
Xenogoth discusses 'The Gothic Line in ‘Wuthering Heights’'. AnneBrontë.org has a post on Patrick Brontë. Finally, you can vote for B3 Brontë Bus - Hebden Bridge to Haworth as Britain's Most Scenic Bus here.


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