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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 10:46 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
LitHub has a list of the staff's 'secretly hated' classics, including
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights
I know, none of us like to think of culture in competition, but the fact remains that we can only read a certain number of books in our lives (a total you can calculate based on this simple formula). My resentment of Wuthering Heights stems from high school English, when I was robbed of my chance to discuss Kafka’s Metamorphosis for longer than a week, because Wuthering Heights, and its concomitant endlessly boring romanticism, had taken up two months of stultifying class discussion time I would never, ever get back. (Molly Odintz)
Forbes reviews the film Love, Simon:
But more importantly, for all the bullying you read about, Simon’s story closely parallels the experiences, of many of the young gays and lesbians I know who haven’t lost their friends, their parents’ love or their way after coming out.
This wasn’t the norm when I was young. I lucked out. I had spectacular parents, understanding friends; I’m bigger than most people, and blessed with wicked tongue for anyone who thinks he can get away with a “fag” joke if I’m in earshot.  But I have way too many friends with tales of betrayal and banishment worthy of any Brontë sister. (Hal Rubenstein)
Deseret News features the CBBC TV show Hetty Feather which
should also appeal to fans of classics like “Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Brontë or “Anne of Green Gables” by L.M. Montgomery, he said, which are based in a similar time period. (Danielle Christensen)
There are almost 100 years between Jane Eyre and Anne of Green Gables, but never you mind, it's the 'olden days'.

International Business Times has compiled a list of literary quotes about spring, which includes one from Jane Eyre. Xenogothic discusses the Gothic in Wuthering Heights.


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