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Thursday, January 14, 2016

Thursday, January 14, 2016 7:43 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Bustle recommends '8 Books To Read Out Loud On A Rambling, Wintry Walk and one of them is
1. Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë
Is there any book better suited to a blustering winter walk than Wuthering Heights? If you want to do this properly, you’ll bring earphones and listen to Kate Bush’s classic song at the same time. (If, like me, you can’t understand why everyone loves this song so much because it’s terrible, you can skip that step.) (Emma Oulton)
More winter as The Creators Project features a 'Gothic Winter Wonderland in 360° Video'.
Imagine the gothic atmosphere of a Brontë sister’s story transmuted into a virtual realm. The upper class but gloomy Victorian fashion and psyches spread across the wintry lands of Haworth, England. This is kind of like what Reed & Rader create with Winter 360°, an immersive virtual reality experience.
Unlike a piece of Brontean fiction, there is a high degree of surrealism in Pamela Reed and Matthew Rader’s new piece. Trees float, impossibly-colored ocean waves move in strange waveforms, a striking young woman stands completely still, dressed in a white dress amidst the unlikely landscapes. (DJ Pangburn)
And of course one of the pleasures of winter is curling up on the sofa with a blanket and read. Or watch literary adaptations on TV and, as The Sydney Morning Herald reminds us,
All this talk of wide shots and spoilers shows how completely and comfortably 19th-century literature has been absorbed into screen culture.
The tales of Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Thomas Hardy and the Brontë sisters are staples of the small screen, thanks largely to a feed of internationally successful adaptations from the BBC. (Louise Schwarzkoff)
But as this columnist from The Peterborough Examiner says,
There are several volumes by Dickens, Thackeray, George Eliot, Trollope, and E.M. Forster that have a strong claim on my memory and others I need to take up afresh. When I think about it, I have read too little of Dickens, Charlotte Brontë, and Jane Austen, and have little excuse for these omissions. It is too easy these days to let film versions substitute for the actual and far more rewarding experience of reading the book itself. (Michael Peterman)
The Chester Chronicle interviews a local photographer whose favourite book is Jane Eyre. Twofriendsview reviews Luccia Gray's All Hallows at Eyre Hall.


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