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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Wednesday, January 20, 2016 10:10 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    1 comment
E is for Emily Brontë according to the A to Z of Bradford's architecture, art and diversity compiled by the Yorkshire Post.
E is for Emily Brontë - The third eldest of the world’s most celebrated literary family will forever be remembered for her only novel, Wuthering Heights. Emily, whose pen-name was Ellis Bell, was born in Thornton but raised in Haworth along with her sisters Charlotte and Anne, and brother Bramwell (sic). The Brontë’s [sic] legacy continues to draw millions of visitors to their former home at the Haworth parsonage, which is now a museum. (John Ledger)
And down in the south of England the Brontës are celebrated too, as the Cornish Guardian reports:
The lives of the Brontë sisters were celebrated in style at an event at St Austell Library on Monday (January 18).
The Full Brontë from Scary Little Girls Productions and SALSA explored the lives and times of 19th century author sisters Charlotte, Emily and Anne – who brought the world works including Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and novel, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall - through music, sketches, games and other activities. (CG_Mo)
National Post explains what the expression 'to take umbrage' really means and mentions Charlotte Brontë as using it literally:
Well-read horticulturalists and arborists have always known. It comes from the term for shade trees. That’s how Charlotte Brontë used it 1849 in Shirley, her second published novel after Jane Eyre: “She would spend a sunny afternoon in lying stirless on the turf, at the foot of some tree of friendly umbrage.” (Robert Fulford)
El Comercio (Spain) interviews writer Ángeles Caso and asks her about her Brontë-related novel Todo ese fuego.
¿Qué se encuentra detrás de 'Todo ese fuego'? Hay una pasión personal como lectora por las obras de las hermanas Brontë, pero sobre todo una inmensa admiración por saber en qué condiciones vivieron, trabajaron y publicaron estas mujeres. Escondidas del mundo, completamente aisladas y sin que nadie supiera quiénes eran, publicaron con pseudónimos y ni siquiera sus amigas más cercanas sabían nada. En aquellos tiempos las condiciones de las mujeres eran muy duras.
¿Cómo fue el trabajo de documentación? Yo normalmente cuando elijo un tema no suelo necesitar una documentación excesiva porque son temas sobre los que ya he leído mucho. Lo que hice fue releer toda la obra de las hermanas y leer biografías. Ellas son unas mujeres que en el mundo anglosajón son auténticas leyendas, aquí no tanto, pero hay muchísimo publicado sobre ellas. Lo más importante para mí fue un viaje que hice a su casa, que ahora es un museo. En ese viaje fue realmente donde arrancó la novela, me impresionó tanto ver el espacio donde trabajaban, y entender que eran tres hermanas que escribieron a la vez tres grandes obras de la literatura, 'Jane Eyre', 'Cumbres borrascosas' y 'Agnes Grey'. Pensar que esas tres mujeres, a escondidas, se encerraban en aquel cuartito y escribían allí juntas, yo creo que es un momento en la historia de la literatura y de las mujeres realmente excepcional. (Sergio García) (Translation)
This is how Kenneth Branagh once tried to pitch an adaptation of Thomas Hardy's The Return of the Native as reported by Deadline:
At the time he was trying to mount an adaptation of Thomas Hardy’s novel “The Return of the Native” – “a novel I love,” he told TV critics.
The response? “It was doing no business at all” he said, despite the fact, “I was in theory, I had some ‘heat’, I believe it’s referred to, at that time,” he joked. “Nobody was biting And I danced – I danced all the dances of a dancing man: ‘It’s a cross between Wuthering Heights and Gone with the Wind and whatever was on last weekend that made a lot of money – it’s like that as well!’,” he reminisced of his pitch. (Lisa de Moraes)
Evening Standard reviews Verdura Resort in Sicily (Italy), which offers
the Spa For the Mind library, a concept devised in conjunction with bibliotherapists at The School of Life in London. Available to guests will be books from six reading lists, such as one for the Ambitious (Great Expectations, anyone?) or for the Lover (Jane Eyre). I prefer the sound of the Escapist list, though – The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Galaxy after a punishing massage sounds truly mind-bending. (Chris Folley)
Dire Giovani (Italy) shares 7 facts about the film Labyrinth. David Bowie's character linked to the Brontës:
7. Il personaggio di Jareth si basava su due figure letterarie: Heathcliff di "Cime tempestose" e Rochester di "Jane Eyre".
L'aspetto eccentrico del Re dei Goblin fu poi ispirato da Marlon Brando e dalle favole dei fratelli Grimm. (Translation)
The Brontë Society shares on Facebook a lovely picture by artist Amanda White.

1 comment:

  1. There was a version of "Return of the Native" starring Catherine Zeta Jones and Clive Owen back in 1994. Despite to future big name stars it seems to have fell by the wayside.
