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Tuesday, July 07, 2015

Tuesday, July 07, 2015 12:41 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Guardian covers one of the most interesting film festivals around, Bologna's Il Cinema Ritrovato. One of the films unearthed this year is an early Italian silent version of Jane Eyre:
Le Memorie di una istitutriceaka L’orfanella di Londra.Adapting Jane Eyre (1847) by Charlotte Brontë.Director: Riccardo TolentinoCinematography: Guido Silva. Valentina Frascaroli (Jane Eyre), Dillo Lombardi (signor Rochester), Fernanda Sinimberghi. Prod.: Latina Ars · 35mm. L.: 754 m (uncomplete, l. orig. 1605 m). D.: 38’ a 18 f/s. Bn da un originale imbibito.
Boston Review publishes the story Dole Girl by Barbara Hamby, 2015 Aura Estrada Contest Winner which contains a Jane Eyre reference:
The first three weeks I worked at the cannery, I didn’t watch television. I couldn’t even read. I could barely eat. I would take a shower, wash out my white nylon apron and cap, hang them on the line, put out my clothes for the next day, and then go into my bedroom and cry myself to sleep. But over the weeks I made myself as hard as lava. I wasn’t one of the heroines in the novels I loved so much—going to balls, sipping tea, and taking long walks in the countryside. No, I was Jane Eyre, but worse because I was working in a factory. There were no Mr. Rochesters at Dole, no Darcys or Bingleys. No one was going to save me.
Pedestrian descibes  Larissa Waters, Australian Greens Senator for Queensland, like this:
Larissa Waters has this 'Wuthering Heights' look on her face, like she wants to jump his actual bones on the desk. (Chloe Sargeant)
Business Standard posts about the book The Pleasures of Reading:
In contrast, Buchi Emecheta grew up in Nigeria, where reading was not a major activity - but storytelling was. She did not understand the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood: "In our families, grandmothers helped a great deal in making life harmonious." She loved Austen and Achebe, the Brontës and Baldwin. (Nilanjana S Roy)
The local volkshochschule in Wiesbaden (Germany) organised a Brontë-Austen talk. In the Wiesbadener Kurier:
Keike Barth, Englisch-Dozentin der Volkshochschule, spricht mit leiser Stimme. Und fordert so die ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit der 20 Gäste ein, die sich in der Bibliothek der Villa Schnitzler zu einem hochsommerlich-heißen „High Tea“ eingefunden haben. Die Augenlider halb geschlossen oder den Blick aufs weiß-blaue Teeservice versenkt, lassen sie sich in die Welten der berühmten englischen Autorinnen Jane Austen und den Schwestern Brontë entführen. Getreu dem aktuellen VHS-Motto „Wie wirklich ist die Wirklichkeit?“ geht Barth zwischen Scones, Sandwiches und englischem Teekuchen der Frage nach, wie wirklich der Blick der Autorinnen auf die Wirklichkeit ihrer Zeit war. Gleich zu Beginn wird mit der Analyse des schriftstellerischen Schaffens der Schwestern Brontë der „härtete Brocken“ serviert – und eine klare Absage an jegliche Realitätsannäherung ans viktorianische Zeitalter erteilt. (Read more) (Christina Oxfort) (Translation)
90RollsRoyces reviews Wuthering Heights.


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