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Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Tuesday, June 02, 2015 7:37 am by Cristina in , , ,    No comments
Bustle's summer reading challenge includes 'A Book About New Love' and
Re Jane by Patricia Park is a retelling of Jane Eyre, where Jane is a half-Korean, half-American orphan from Queens and Mr. Rochester is simply Ed. The passionate love affair, luckily, is the same. (Caitlin White)
Vanity Fair reports that E L James has gone and rewritten 50 Shades of Grey from Christian Grey's perspective in a book called Grey and so
Remember what a literary sensation it was back in 1966 when Jean Rhys wrote Wide Sargasso Sea, the groundbreaking, feminist prequel to Jane Eyre that imagined the background of the woman who ends up locked away in Mr. Rochester’s flammable attic? Rhys’s perspective made English lit professors rethink their entire curriculum, which still hinges on that babysitting classic. (Alex Beggs)
Albert Camus's The Stranger seems to have got a similar treatment in Kamel Daoud's The Meursault Investigation and The Wall Street Journal uses the same example.
Literary criticism has changed, and readers have grown accustomed to finding a critique of a classic text within a corresponding text. Jean Rhys’s novel “Wide Sargasso Sea” (1966) was among the first to peep behind the scenes: Who was the woman in the attic in “Jane Eyre”? Pia Pera’s “Lo’s Diary” (1999), a retelling of Lolita from the heroine’s point of view, is a later example of this flip-side fiction. (James Campbell)
Hypable comments on the Outlander finale (beware of spoilers!):
A healthy relationship between two people would model Claire’s strength – her strength to live and fight, damaged, but unbroken. It would honor Claire’s courage in doing something difficult and horrific for the sake of allowing Jamie to fight against the man who hurt him. By retreating to Gothic sentiments that echo those of a Heathcliff-Catherine relationship, the TV series has harmed the searing, unrepentant love between these two- and betrayed the true Claire, who is marked by her uncompromising, fierce strength in the face of darkness. (Olivia Friedman)
There's a fascinating article on Mary Taylor and modern-day Wellington (New Zealand) on the Brussels Brontë Blog. Doneisha Dood has collected several Jane Eyre love quotes.


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