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Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015 10:20 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The Huddersfield Daily Examiner reports that,
Oakwell Hall in Birstall will feature in the BBC’s new drama Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, due to be shown early this year. [...]
Eric Brown, heritage manager at Oakwell Hall, said: “The filming took place last year and they were here for over a month and I think people will be interested to see how they used Oakwell.
“There has been a history of filming at Oakwell for many years, the original silent version of Shirley was filmed here in the 1920s, and it would be great to get a copy of it.
“But since 2000 we have been a popular place for TV companies to film.
“We’ve taken images of how they’ve used the hall and we’re running tours to inform people about how Oakwell has been used for TV.” [...]
Being taken over by a film crew is nothing new for Oakwell Hall. A list of credits includes Wuthering Heights, The Secret Diaries of Anne Lister and Lost in Austen.
It was the location for the 1921 film of Charlotte Brontë’s Shirley and has also featured in Simon Schama’s History of Britain which was filmed by the BBC. (Joanne Douglas)
Of course, Oakwell Hall is said to have been the inspiration for Fieldhead in Shirley, so that would be the reason why they filmed the silent film there.

Speaking of houses, Radio Times has a 'Last Tango in Halifax travel guide' which includes
This elegant, ivy-clad, Grade II Jacobean manor on the edge of Brontë country features in a number of episodes in series two. (Jade Bremner)
RuhrNachrichten (Germany) reviews the Oberhausen stage adaptation of Wuthering Heights.
Gewalttätigkeit meist nur als Schattenspiele andeutend, gelingt Lily Sykes insgesamt eine sehr stimmungsvolle und einfühlsame Umsetzung, die durch die Kostüme von Ines Koehler eindeutig im viktorianischen England angesiedelt ist. Anja Schweitzer bringt als Erzählerin das Geschehen in Gang. Angela Falkenhan überzeugt als launisch-exzentrische, schließlich dem Wahnsinn verfallende Cathy. Peter Waros begegnet ihr als Heathcliff mit "Wild Child" von den Doors auf den Lippen, während Sergej Lubic als Edgar sie mit dem Vogelfänger-Lied aus der "Zauberflöte" umgarnt, natürlich auf Englisch. (Klaus Stübler) (Translation)
The Chronicle (Australia) features illustrator Sophie Blackhall-Cain and her exhibition Fanfiction at MARS on theGRID (Toowoomba).
Ms Blackhall-Cain has illustrated her life-long love affair with literature in her first solo exhibition Fanfiction, a reworking of her 20 favourite novels.
A few dead authors would probably be dancing in their graves at the digital artist's fresh and charming interpretation of their work.
Ms Blackhall-Cain moved to Toowoomba from Brisbane a year ago and always hoped for an exhibition at theGRID.
"It's such a unique space, there is nothing like it in Brisbane," she said.
Art and books are her two passions in life and Fanfiction gave her the opportunity to combine the two.
Her favourites, from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy to Wuthering Heights, have stuck with her for different reasons.
"They were resonant and beautiful. I'm a stickler for poetry and for me the story doesn't have to be amazing if the language is," she said.
"When I have nothing to illustrate, I illustrate whatever I'm reading.
"I realised that I would never have a chance to dedicate a lot of my time to illustrating many of my favourite books, so this show was a chance to breathe life into the select books which have helped me along my way." (Bev Lacey)
Another Brontëite in Torquay Herald Express:
Memory Lane continued to provide close-ups of many activities that coloured my past.
During lane treks I've bumped into lots of literary ghosts. And here are some on the list: William and Dorothy Wordsworth, Hazlit, Belloc, and Borrow; Edward Thomas, William Crossing, Housman, and Emily Brontë; Kilvert, Dafydd ap Gwilyn, Thomas Hardy, and Henry Williamson. (Brian Carter)
And yet another in The Hindu who feels compelled to add this warning:
This list of favourites is by no means complete. It is difficult to fit them all in here. But we also love you Brontë sisters, R.K. Narayan, Gerald Durrel, P.G. Wodehouse, Georgette Heyer… (Pankaja Srinivasan)
Vulpes Libris announces that this Friday will see another Charlotte vs Emily Brontë 'battle'. Ethili Yazar posts about Wuthering Heights.


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