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Sunday, June 01, 2014

Sunday, June 01, 2014 11:14 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Annabel Crabb in The Sydney Morning Herald quotes Charlotte Brontë as saying
''Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste,'' wrote Charlotte Brontë, long before the advent of peer-to-peer platforms, and the like.
The Daily Express picks the best spots to see the Tour de France when in comes to Yorkshire:
Stages One and Two intersect near Addington, a short ride from Skipton station, where you will find Tempest (raphatempest.cc), an extravaganza arranged by cycle clothing/racing company Rapha, sponsor of the UK’s Team Sky.
The festival, at Broughton Hall Estate, features cycling action and such bands as Echo And The Bunnymen (July 3-7). Camping tickets start at £85 (adult) and £45 (under-14s) for four nights. Racers are now deep inside Brontë country where Haworth, with its steep cobbled streets, promises to be a great place to see them pass. Holmfirth, location for Last Of The Summer Wine, promises to be special too. The finish line is in Sheffield’s Don Valley Bowl. (Jonathan Futrell)
Keighley News informs of a new Visit Bradford promotional video:
A promotional video is being created by a Keighley company as part of an initiative to attract more visitors to the district.
And people living in the area are being urged to contribute photos of their favourite places.
The best images will be included in the finished footage, being produced by Twenty Twenty Films.
Behind the venture is Visit Bradford, the district’s destination marketing office.
Sarah Howsen, senior tourism development officer, said: “What better way to attract people to the region than by seeing and hearing about what we have to offer directly from those who live and breathe the area each and every day of their lives?
“Everyone at Visit Bradford is excited about seeing all the different photo submissions.
Dawn Pearson, customer services director at Twenty Twenty Films, said the company was delighted to be involved in the project.(Alistair Shand)
  The Daily Telegraph (Australia) is concerned with the equation 'sex equals fame' for girls:
Like the Brontë sisters who wrote their masterpieces under male pseudonyms for fear of not being taken seriously, between them they created some of the most powerful female characters of all time.
These brilliant women were trapped in the conventions of their time; they could not vote, they could not share their opinions freely, for who would want to listen to a mere woman?
And yet against almost insurmountable odds they created Elizabeth Bennet, Jane Eyre and Catherine Earnshaw; all women with brains, all of them forging the life they wanted, albeit within the marriage confines of the day. (Kerry Parnell)
Libreriamo (Italy) lists books that have changed women's lives:
Jane Eyre -Il romanzo di formazione della scrittrice inglese Charlotte Brontë è il racconto autobiografico della vita della protagonista, Jane Eyre. La storia inizia quando Jane è bambina e, dopo essere rimasta orfana, è costretta a vivere con una zia vile e meschina; ma questo non la farà abbattere, Jane studierà e si impegnerà con tutte le sue forze per diventare un’insegnante e per essere indipendente. Molte donne hanno votato questo libro perché è stato capace di insegnare loro che i sogni si posso realizzare con l’impegno e la dedizione; la volontà è un’arma potentissima capace di qualsiasi cosa. Di fronte alle difficoltà non bisogna abbattersi e piuttosto che piangersi addosso è meglio rimboccarsi le maniche e combattere per noi stesse. (Martina Brunetti) (Translation)
El Mundo (Spain) quotes Edna O'Brien talking about her novel The Country Girls:
"Gentleman y Eugene son dos idealizaciones. Pero es que las chicas éramos así, veíamos a los hombres tan lejos que los idealizábamos a la vez que los demonizábamos. Yo tenía en la cabeza a Drácula, porque vi una versión teatral. Y también a los hombres de 'Cumbres borrascosas' y de toda la literatura romántica. Y después, claro, estaba Cristo, porque todas éramos chicas de educación católica y la gran referencia masculina era Cristo". (Luis Alemany) (Translation)
Diretta News (Italy) reviews the novel Between the Devil and the Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke:
Nel romanzo, infatti, troverete accenni a Orson Welles, a Jack Kerouac, a Marilyn Monroe, a Audrey Hepburn, a Edgar Allan Poe, a Hawthorne, e persino echi di Casablanca, degli spaghetti western, di Jane Eyre e di Cime tempestose… perché la scrittrice è un’appassionata di vecchi film e ha rispolverato il suo gusto cinefilo mescolandolo al genere thriller, horror, paranormal e romance al fine di regalare ai lettori un’opera forte, dalle tinte gothic, il ritmo serrato e ammaliante. (Silvia Casini) (Translation)
The Heathcliff rose is mentioned in the Indiana Gazette;  La Razón (Spain) compares the Bolivian writer Adela Zamudia with the Brontës and other Romantic writers; Sykes Cottages Blogs recommends a short break in Haworth; Montalbán Digital (Spain) posts about the Brontës; Livres de Malice (in French) reviews The Tenant of Wildfell Hall; Audrey Eclectic Folk Art's June read-along is devoted to Jane Eyre; delibrosylavale reviews in Spanish both Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights.


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