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Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday, May 12, 2014 10:59 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
ULoop has made a list of 'What You Learn From Reading Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights'. Things such as
1. It’s almost always okay to act like a complete bitch if you are a character of a literary classic. Apparently it makes you all the more desirable and multi-faceted as an individual. Thank you, Catherine, for helping all of us young girls become more high maintenance than we ought to be.
2.  The myth of bad boys being the ultimate chick magnet is reinforced a heck of a lot more by Heathcliff’s dark and brooding manner. This 1847 novel reveals that even back in the nineteenth century, nice guys still finished last.
3. For those Harry Potter fans that are obsessed with the Lily Potter and Severus Snape relationship, Wuthering Heights just makes the fangirling even more hardcore. We tear up when we read about Heathcliff seeing Catherine’s eyes in her daughter and we sob when we read of Professor Snape telling Harry he has his mother’s eyes. Or maybe that’s just me. (Erin Lin) (Read more)
The Wall Street Journal reviews The Unexpected Professor by John Carey and comments on what other reviewers have remarked on already:
Above all, there is the eloquent summation of decades of wide reading, of enthusiasm for great 20th-century writers such as Orwell, Conrad and Lawrence, as well as many others, such as Thackeray, Dickens and Tennyson. (Women receive comparatively little attention; he doesn't like "Wuthering Heights" and has little to say about Jane Austen or George Eliot.) (Michael Caines)
Publishing ArtsHub reviews The Word Ghost by Christine Paice and finds that
The Victorian tradition also gets some play, especially influences from the Brontës, as Rebecca negotiates her spiritual becoming and her conception of romantic love. (Chrysoula Aiello)
TV5 (France) features Jane Campion and comments on some of her literary preferences:
"Mes films sont des réactions à l'obsession de la société pour la normalité, sa propension à exclure les déviants", a raconté Jane Campion, passionnée de littérature anglo-saxonne romantique, avec une prédilection pour Emily Brontë et Emily Dickinson, ou encore Virginia Woolf. (Dominique Ageorges) (Translation)
We can see how Emily Brontë could be considered romantic but we are having a harder time placing Emily Dickinson and Virginia Woolf in that category.

ActuaBD (in French) interviews Roger Leloup, creator of the comic series Yoko Tsuno, and he comments on his early literary influences.
Quand vous créez un personnage, instinctivement vous lui donnez vos goûts. J’ai beaucoup lu quand j’étais jeune. Vous savez, à quatorze ans j’avais avalé « Les Grandes Espérances » de Dickens, les romans des sœurs Brontë, H.G. Wells, et évidemment comme tout le monde Jules Verne. Ma tante était libraire, je vous l’ai dit. J’allais dans les rayons chercher ce que je voulais, y compris ce que je ne devais pas lire. (Anthony Jegou and Sébastien Chabannes) (Translation)
This reviewer of Penny Dreadful from Blog Critics is a fan of Timothy Dalton's portrayal of Mr Rochester:
Dalton was born to play the brooding Victorian with a secret life. (His Edward Rochester in the BBC Jane Eyre has never been bettered, and of course no one has ever played the brooding James Bond of Ian Fleming’s novels quite as literarily on the mark.) (Barbara Barnett)
She's Got the Book posts about Michaela MacColl's Always Emily. And an alert in Amara, Euskadi, Spain, a screening of Wuthering Heights 1939.


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