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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 11:01 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
We haven't seen it reported in the press but according to the auctioneers' website, the auction of the first editions of Brontë novels and a copy of Francis Leyland's The Brontë family fetched £90000, which is more than was expected. (Edit: Art Daily reports £111,600)

According to an interview in The Sunday Times, Lynda La Plante is still working on her Brontë sisters project.
What’s happening? LLP: I’m working on a new script about the Brontë sisters. Months of reading everything the three of them wrote… but I’m still writing thrillers. (Mark Edmonds)
EDP24 features Kate Mosse and her vindication of Harriet Martineau.
She first came across her as a schoolgirl and said that while today people might hear of her in association with renowned historical characters such as Florence Nightingale, George Elliot, Charlotte Brontë, Charles Darwin, she was incredibly celebrated in her own right in her lifetime as well as being connected with many of the great thinkers of her day. (Rowan Mantell)
Seattle Weekly reviews the film The Double and thinks that,
Wasikowska is a much harder film-noir type than Jane Eyre or Stoker would have suggested. (Robert Horton)
IndieWire talks to Matt Bomer in light of his most recent film, The Normal Heart:
"Angels in America" was another one, but it wasn't just the gay-themed plays that were influential, it was also Brecht, and Shaw, and Arthur Miller, and everyone who opened my mind and reaffirmed so many things I'd secretly thought for so long, and also completely educated me in things I had no clue about. So they were all important pieces for me to understand who I was and what world I was living in. I think growing up in the suburbs can be this safe haven where you're sheltered from a lot of things, obviously there's a shadow that comes with that, but, I wanted to know about my world, and I don't think I would have, had I not been able to read those plays. It certainly wasn't going to be from reading Jane Eyre in English class. I mean even though those works definitely influenced me too. I wanted to know about my world now, you know? "The Awakening" by Kate Chopin, I got feminism on too. But I wanted to know about my world now. My English teacher wasn't gonna say, "Hey you know you should really check out 'Faggots' by Larry Kramer." I had to kind of do that on my own. (Casey Cipriani)
The Lancaster Guardian has an article on Amanda Owen, 'the Yorkshire shepherdess' who
turned down a starring role in a film of Wuthering Heights because it clashed with an important sheep auction.
The Argyll Free Press quotes from Jane Eyre in an article about General Motors recalling a batch of vehicles.
“I am not an angel,’ I asserted; ‘and I will not be one till I die” Charlotte Brontë. But when it comes to the industry you can’t afford a single mistake, otherwise you can’t survive. (Zoya Hafeez)
Helen MacEwan writes on The Brontë Parsonage Blog about finding Charlotte Brontë's signature in the vistors' book at Abbotsford, Sir Walter Scott's home. Boeklover writes in Dutch about Jane Eyre. Lion Brand Yarns invites readers to knit a Charlotte Brontë cape. Just Chick Flicks reviews Jane Eyre 2011.


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