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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday, May 27, 2014 12:30 am by M. in    No comments
Caity Quinn, director and writer of Ties of Blood, which was premiered in Ontario, Canada, some weeks ago, has written to us to share with our readers some of the pictures and the critical response to the play:
Ties of Blood is an eclectic reinterpretation of the lives of the Brontë siblings that is anything but vanilla. It is a theatrical meal for those who appreciate that the best experiences are layered in nuance and designed to complement and challenge the palette. (...)
The contrasts continue to the introduction of kabuki theatre-inspired elements when “real-life” situations are expressed through Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. In particular, the inappropriate affection between Emily and Branwell is reflected in the relationship of adopted siblings Heathcliffe (sic) and Cathy.
The lighting and intimate location afforded by The ARTS Project theatre are used to effect, though some of the transitional elements were a little cumbersome. Overall, though, Ties of Blood: The Brontës is a dynamic, engaging, and entertainingly challenging perspective on the fictional lives of literatures most famous siblings. (Jason Menard on Donald's Dish)


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