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Sunday, March 02, 2014

Sunday, March 02, 2014 11:28 am by M. in , , , , , ,    No comments
The International Honor Quilt has found a permanent home at The Louisville University. In The Louisville Cardinal:
Underrepresentation such as this was the impetus behind the making of the International Honor Quilt. Consisting of over 600 distinct quilted triangles made by various people and organizations from around the globe, the quilt serves to honor the achievements and contribution of women throughout history as well as personal female role models.
Among the colorful geometry are familiar names such as Emily Brontë and Queen Elizabeth II, but also more obscure names inspired by local heroines. However, every triangle symbolizes the struggle for gender equality and memorializes those women who defied the patriarchal order of society. (Jonathan Sieg)
We have been unable to trace the Emily Brontë triangle though.

The Sunday Times reviews Sally Cookson's two-part Jane Eyre in Bristol:
Jane Eyre — “disconnected, poor, and plain” — is a heroine to grip the heart. This striking two-part adaptation takes her through a wretched childhood, grim schooling and the emotional tumult of working for grumpy-boots Rochester. Neither play stands alone: the first describes what it is like to feel unloved; the second is about being loved (which can be worse). Sally Cookson’s production slices back the text in an ambitious assault on Charlotte Brontë’s extraordinary imaginative landscape — a rain-lashed fable lurching between hope and indignation. In this dramatically lit, intensely physical theatre, music is key, be it folky ballads, banshee soprano, sweet consoling hymns or scraped-back versions of Gnarls Barkley and Noël Coward. (Jane Edwardes and David Jays)
The production is also listed on the week's critical list.

El Litoral talks about the first novel by Mariana Enríquez, Bajar es lo peor (1995), now republished:
En segundo lugar, se puede ver cómo la composición de Facundo estriba parcialmente en dos puntos de influencias que son Cumbres borrascosas de Emily Brontë y Sobre héroes y tumbas de Ernesto Sábato. Enriquez misma explicita este vínculo al afirmar en el prólogo que éstos eran sus libros favoritos en el momento de escribir la novela. El misterio que rodea la figura de Facundo parece tomado de la Alejandra de la novela de Sábato (además del paralelismo que hay entre estos dos personajes por el hecho de que ambos portan dobles apellidos tradicionales: Vidal Olmos en el caso de Alejandra y Mora Acevedo en el de Facundo), en tanto que la impronta oscura parece provenir de Heathcliff, el protagonista de la novela de Brontë. (Fabricio Welschen) (Translation)
The Telegraph and Argus reports the filming in Oakwell Hall of the BBC drama Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell.

I Prefer Reading is reading Emily Brontë's poetry;  Jorie Loves A Story begin a Wuthering Heights readalong. Check the schedule here (or you can read the discussion on An American in France who made the same journey on January). MS Allstars is not really a fan of Emily Brontë's.


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