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Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014 12:40 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
Two alerts for today, February 21.

1. A year ago, a new biographical play on Charlotte Brontë was premiered at the Adelaide Fringe Festival. Now, Miss Brontë (such is its name) opens in Wellington, New Zealand:
Brave Theatre presens
Miss Brontë

Written and performed by: Mel Dodge
Directed by: Lyndee-Jane Rutherford
Circa Theatre Two

21 February − 15 March

Charlotte Brontë has a secret. In fact secrets seem to run in the family...

Directed by award winning Lyndee-Jane Rutherford. Written and performed by Mel Dodge using the letters and novels of Charlotte Brontë, along with the many biographical works about her life. Miss Brontë tells a story of ambition, forbidden love and the bond of a family. How could an unmarried woman living in a secluded parsonage, with only her sisters for company, write one of the world's greatest love stories? She had tasted love and her secrets echo in the pages of Jane Eyre.
'It's fascinating to hear about the true characters that inspired the fiction.' (Advertiser Adelaide)
‘Mel Dodge brings the literary world of the Brontë family to life with a riveting performance. Dodge transported us back to a time when words were written in pen, on paper; when one could crave a response to a letter that might be weeks or months in the coming; and you sensed, perhaps felt, the value of words. Superb.’ (Rip it Up Adelaide)
Running time approx. 75 minutes (no interval).
An interview with the author about the play can be read here.

2. And a Twitter Chat with the author of the upcoming Solsbury Hill: A Novel of Wuthering Heights:
We're excited to announce our partnership with Penguin Classics for a ‪#‎WutheringHeights‬ Twitter Chat starting Feb. 21, featuring author Susan M Wyler, author of upcoming Riverhead paperback original Solsbury Hill: A Novel of Wuthering Heights. 

We'll be giving away lots of books and prizes to participants, including gorgeous posters (starting with a ‪#‎FreeFriday‬ giveaway on our Instragram account @RiverheadBooks on 2/6)!

To join us, just follow the #wutheringheights hashtag on Twitter during the 3 chat times (12-12:30 pm EST). Here is the reading schedule so you can get started!

2/21: Part 1, Chap. 1 - 10
2/28: Part 1, Chap. 11 - Part 2, Chap. 7
3/4: Part 2, Chap. 8 - 20


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