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Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014 8:23 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The New York Times interviews author Alice Hoffman, who does a good job at analysing Wuthering Heights through a person's ages:
Who is your favorite novelist of all time? [...]
All time — Emily Brontë, author of the greatest psychological novel ever written, with the most complex character ever conceived. Read “Wuthering Heights” when you’re 18 and you think Heathcliff is a romantic hero; when you’re 30, he’s a monster; at 50 you see he’s just human.
Both Emily and Charlotte are invited to dinner parties today. The Huffington Post interviews author Glen Duncan and asks him,
If you could have any 5 dinner guests, dead or alive, fictional or non-, who would they be? Sheherazade (for when the conversation flagged), Jesus (lots to discuss, obviously, but also in case the wine ran out), Emily Brontë (to try to find out how in God's name she came up with Wuthering Heights), Lucifer (a thank-you for the royalties) and Aphrodite, for reasons which I assume are obvious. 
While the Pittsburgh Historical Fiction Examiner interviews historical fiction blogger Caroline Wilson and asks her,
6. You're having a dinner party and you can invite 5 people from history, who would they be? Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire; Jane Austen; Charlotte Brontë; John Singer Sargent; and William Lamb, Viscount Melbourne. (Kayla Posney)
The Daily Mail has an article on a study which, among other things,
reported that no minority-directed films released in 2011 won an Oscar in any category, though three were nominated – Kung Fu Panda 2, Jane Eyre, and Rio. (Kate Lyons)
Contact Music reviews the film L'Inconnu du lac and quotes the director Alain Guiraudie saying:
Filmmaker Guiraudie is exploring that point where desire becomes a moral dilemma. (As Guiraudie notes, "Did Cathy call the cops on Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights?") This kind of twist is just what draws us deeply into a story, as the film unfolds through Franck's eyes, with increasing lust and hope even as the darkness begins to fall around him. It's a staggeringly involving ethical dilemma that builds to a breathtaking finale. (Rich Cline)
Do you have your 2015 diary ready? Broadway World has an alert for you in San Jose, California:
Wuthering Heights
January 22 - February 15, 2015
Adapted and directed by Kirsten Brandt
Based on the novel by Emily Brontë
Inseparable since childhood, Heathcliff and Cathy believe themselves eternally bound. But when they are brutally torn apart, the resulting course of retribution provides an unflinching look into the cyclical nature of revenge, injustice and the unknowable passions of the heart. Travel across Yorkshire's stormy moors with one of literature's darkest antiheroes in this legendary tale of devotion and redemption. Emily Brontë's epic love story is re-imagined in Kirsten Brandt's gripping adaptation.
Jorge Sette "Linguagem" posts about Wuthering Heights in Portuguese.


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