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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday, February 19, 2013 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
A new biographical Brontë-related play opens today, February 19, at the Adelaide Fringe Festival:
BRAVE Theater presents
Miss Brontë
Ayers House Museum - State Dining Room
February 19,20,21,22,23 at 7.00 PM

Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! I have as much soul as you, and full as much heart!' Charlotte Brontë's life, love and loss echo through the pages of Jane Eyre.

When Charlotte Bronte was 28 years old she developed feelings for her married French professor. She wrote passionate letters to him which he tore to pieces in a fury. His wife later retrieved the pieces from the rubbish bin and carefully sewed them back together. The letters are now in the British Library. This deep unrequited love was the seed that created Mr Rochester.

At the age of 32, Brontë suffered the loss of her two sisters and brother within one year. ‘Yes; there is no Emily in time or on earth now…’ She was left in isolation with only her imagination as a companion.

Miss Brontë is a new play drawing from Brontë's own letters, diary entries and multiple biographies. The play, showing the inner workings of one of the most successful writers of all time, will be set in the beautiful dining room of Ayers House.
And in Kraków, Poland a reading of poetry by the Brontë sisters in their original version and translated into Polish by Krystynę Lenkowską and Ludmiłę Marjańską:

W cyklu „Podgórska Scena Poezji”:
Poezja Sióstr Brontë w przekładach Krystyny Lenkowskiej i Ludmiły Marjańskiej,
19 lutego godz. 18.00
Dom Kultury „Podgórze”


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