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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Sunday, November 03, 2013 12:30 am by M. in    No comments
An exhibition going on in Huddersfield with a spooky Brontë connection:
Art in Yorkshire goes Contemporary
Brass Art: The Imagining of Things
Huddersfield Art Gallery, 12 October to 21 December

Brass Art are Chara Lewis, Kristin Mojsiewicz and Anneké Pettican. They work collectively to explore real space and virtual space, positioning themselves as shadows, digital sprites and performers.
They use analogue and digital technologies as a means of revealing their presence in real and imagined situations. Their working methods encompass play and improvised performance captured by drawing, photography, 3D and 4D scanning.
In 2011 Brass Art initiated a project titled 'Shadow Worlds: Writers' Rooms'. The work used a Microsoft Kinect scanner during night-time visits to the Brontë Parsonage in Haworth.
During performative interventions Brass Art captured the masking and unmasking of themselves, as imagined alter egos and uncanny doubles within the domestic spaces.
The project used both digital photography and custom-built software, combined with Kinect, to produce strikingly different versions of the scenes.
The installation of this work at Huddersfield Art Gallery will include a new sound commission produced in collaboration with composer Alastair MacDonald.
Shadow Worlds: Writers' Rooms: Brontë Parsonage, 2012
Digital print on archival photrag paper;  Source

More information and pictures on The Huddersfield Examiner.


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