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    4 months ago

Saturday, November 02, 2013

The Border Mail interviews the actress Jacki Weaver (Animal Kingdom, Silver Linings Playbook) and we discover another Brontëite:
Discussing the recent adaptation of Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre starring Mia Wasikowska, Weaver mentions her disappointment that the script didn't include her favourite line, addressed to Jane by the blind Rochester in the final chapter. She lifts her chin and intones gleefully, "Why do you remain pertinaciously perched on my knee, when I have given you notice to quit?"
She has nothing of Jane's plainness, but shares with her a quality of captivating, controlled passion. (Kirsten Tranter)
We are pretty sure that Branwell Brontë would have been very happy if he'd known with this news:
Debbie [Collinge], who is about to celebrate 10 years at The Lord Nelson in High Street, Luddenden, has been crowned national Enterprise Inns’ Community Hero.
The picturesque pub, which also won a Gold Rose Award in this year’s Yorkshire in Bloom contest thanks to Debbie’s green fingers, was put forward as regional winner in the pub chain’s Community Hero Awards.
And now Debbie has learned that she and the Lord Nelson are the best in the business as far as Enterprise are concerned - and has been rewarded with £10,000. (...)
Debbie added: “We are geographically and communally the centre of the village. The tradition stretches back to the days when we were the local alehouse of Branwell Brontë.
“The Lord Nelson was one of the first lending libraries in the country, with a reading room. With all other facilities closed down, it has become the true heart of the village and numerous local groups now use the Lord Nelson, such as the golden oldies sing-a-long club, book club and the Mayor’s Fund.” (Hebden Bridge Times)
The Telegraph interviews the comedian Bridget Christie. Among other things they discuss her Edinburgh Comedy Award show A Bic for Her:
Her routine, a wry meditation on women and their treatment, takes its title from a pen, in pastel shades and with a delicate grip, which has been especially designed for women. This prompts a sketch about the Brontë sisters who find themselves unable to write because their quills are so drab and heavy, a sustained fantasy about the fate of Sir Stirling Moss who suggested that women “lack the mental aptitude” for Formula One, and a tribute to schoolgirl Malala Yousafzai and all the women who are fighting for their rights in the emerging world. (Sarah Crompton)
Philip Collins lists several 29 years old 'whizz-kids' in The Times:
From Jeremy Barker's wonderful book Tolstoy's Bicycle I find that it's not only maths and computers that attract whizz-kids. Emily Brontë wrote Wuthering Heights, Scott Fitzgerald finished The Great Gatsby and Carole King recorded Tapestry, all at 29.
The Huffington Post has a list of literary heartbreakers:
And who better epitomized the agony of mutual heartbreak than star-crossed lovers Cathy and Heathcliff, torn apart by pride and selfishness? (Shannon McKenna Schmidt and Joni Rendon)
The York Press reviews the performances of Can’t Stand Up For Falling Down a the York Theatre Royal Studio:
The sight of a woman on a Yorkshire moor, so resonant from Wuthering Heights, augurs ill in Cameron’s play too, the landscape no less important than in Emily Brontë’s work. Dawn Allsop, designer of so many impressive and diverse Theatre Royal sets, matches Cameron’s harsh language in her oppressive yet open design. (Charles Hutchinson)
Le Monde (France) reviews The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman:
Mme Stedman a pour seul prénom connu les initiales M. L., elle est australienne, vit à Londres et signe avec Une vie entre deux océans un premier roman dont l'âpreté évoque dans ses meilleures pages Les Hauts de Hurlevent ; qui surtout, on l'aura compris, n'endort pas l'intelligence critique du lecteur pour mieux émouvoir son coeur ingénu. (Eric Chevillard) (Translation)
We don't agree with Marta Sanz when she says in El Confidencial (Spain):
Igual que Jane Eyre es sobre todo la loca encerrada en la torre, Coral Glynn [by Peter Cameron] es sobre todo una historia criminal donde la deshonestidad de ciertos corazones solitarios se enfrenta a la honestidad de otros que no se dejan embaucar por el espejismo de la perfección romántica. (Translation)
L'Express talks about the TV adaptation of  Les Déferlantes by Claudie Gallay. The director of the adaptation, Éléonore Faucher says:
Partout, j’ai été cueillie par leur gentillesse, impressionnée par la grandeur, la préservation et la force des sites autour de Vauville : les plages gigantesques, les falaises se jetant dans la mer, les landes sauvages et dénudées, son fort de Vauban où j’ai décidé de faire vivre Sylvie Testud seule. Comme le roman, ces lieux me rappelaient Les Hauts de Hurlevent, Tess, Les Deux Anglaises et le Continent, des films qui m’ont beaucoup marquée”, explique la réalisatrice. (Cléophée Turckheim) (Translation)
Cubanet quotes from the new novel by Teresa Dovalpage, Orfeo en el Caribe:
“Y allí en el Malecón sentí que el destino me susurraba un canto de esperanza. Era un canto sobre otro mundo donde podría leer en su idioma original todos los libros que dieron a luz las hermanas Brontë y Florence L. Barclay, y todos los best-sellers del New York Times.["](Translation)
Dantri (in Vietnamese) discusses Jane Eyre and other female literary characters;  Naples News reviews the local performances of The Mystery of Irma Vep; a passing by appearance of Gordon Brown as Heathcliff in The TelegraphHajdú Lujza has uploaded to YouTube several readings in Hungarian of Emily Brontë's poetry.

Finally, an alert in Bibbiena, Italy:
Sabato 2 Novembre e Domenica 3 Novembre torna la Sagra del Cinema, il consueto evento che precede l'inizio delle serate d'essay al Cinema Italia di Soci.
La Sagra, giunta alla sua undicesima edizione, si svolgerà anche quest'anno presso il Teatro Dovizi di Bibbiena. "Il cinema da leggere", tema di quest'anno vede la collaborazione di Nata Teatro e in particolare degli allievi della Scuola di teatro Nata che accompagneranno la visione dei film con letture dai libri da cui le pellicole sono tratte.
Selezione dei brani e coordinamento registico: Alessandra Aricò

Saturday, 2 November
ore 17:30 - Cime tempestose-La voce nella tempesta (1939) diretto da William Wyler - 103' tratto dal romanzo di Emily Brontë
Letture: Alice Fognani e Marica Pieralli (La Nazione)


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