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Sunday, November 03, 2013

Sunday, November 03, 2013 2:30 pm by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Keighley News talks about the biographical book by Andrew Heaton, Never Had a Better (see this old post):
A descendant of a Haworth family who had links with the Brontës has written a book tracing his origins.
Andrew Heaton said the lineage could be followed back a thousand years.
And the family fortunes fluctuated, from the height of influence as medieval knights to the depths of life in the workhouse.
“You never know what you’re going to find when you begin researching your family history, and it was fascinating – you get hooked,” said Mr Heaton, 62, a former dairy farmer. (...)
“That got me interested in looking further into it, and I found a lot of information in Keighley and Bradford libraries and, of course, on the internet – that’s an amazing resource,” he added.
The Heatons are inextricably linked with Haworth through an inscription on a stained glass window at the village’s parish church, which reads: ‘In memory of the Heatons of Ponden – Trustees of Haworth Church 1560 to 1897.’ And the family had associations with the Brontës. Indeed, Allan’s great grandmother – Elizabeth Heaton – was baptised by the Rev Patrick Brontë. (...)
The book – entitled Never Had A Better – retails at £12.95, and is available from the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth or by e-mail from Mr Heaton at peelpark@btinternet.com. (Alistair Shand)
Also in Keighley News we find more information about the proposed improvements at the Brontë Parsonage Museum. It seems that they are not only related to moving the ticket desk:
The ticket desk at the entrance to the literary shrine could be moved further inside.
And other proposals include the provision of touch-screen information facilities, in the foyer and exhibition room.
Ann Dinsdale, collections manager at the parsonage, said: (...)
“We are consistently trying to find new ways of improving the visitor experience, and this is part of that.
“It is also planned to restore, and improve the appearance of, the entrance area.”
An article about drone attacks to Taliban objectives with a Brontë reference? In The Nation (Pakistan):
Good and evil are overlapping concepts in this twisted Victorian romance. The US is no Mr Darcy, and Hakimullah Mehsud is no Heathcliff. (Syed Hassan Belal Zaidi)
Gaceta (Poland) interviews Eric Ostrowski, the author of  Charlotte Brontë i jej siostry śpiące where, as we have told before, he maintains that Charlotte Brontë is the only author of all the Brontë novels (well, in the interview he adds that he is not so sure about Wuthering Heights. Branwell probably had something to do with it). It's a long interview but basically all his opinions rely on Anne being unable to write because she was a sort of religious fanatic and the publisher who read the manuscripts of the novels first and thought they were written by the same hand. He even mentions this alleged picture of the Brontë sisters as if its authenticity had been confirmed.
Życie Charlotte Brontë to niemal same tajemnice. Ona naprawdę wzięła do grobu wszystko, co chciała. Nie pozostawiła nam nic prócz domysłów. I wiedzy oficjalnej - mówi w rozmowie z TOK FM Eryk Ostrowski, autor książki "Charlotte Brontë i jej siostry śpiące". - Kto napisał "Wichrowe wzgórza"? To bardzo złożona sprawa. Ale na pewno nie Emily, której przypisuje się autorstwo. Nie mogła tego zrobić - przekonuje.
Książki sióstr Brontë (m.in. "Dziwne losy Jane Eyre", "Lokatorka Wildfell Hall") uznawane są za dzieła wielkiej wagi dla emancypacji kobiet. Powieści do dziś są podpisywane imionami trzech sióstr. Najsłynniejsze, "Wichrowe Wzgórza", wydawane są jako dzieło Emily. Rzecz w tym, że rękopisy powieści Emily i Anne Brontë nie istnieją. Wydawca, który je widział, twierdził, że były napisane jedną ręką... Czy to najstarsza, Charlotte, stworzyła legendę o trzech genialnych siostrach? W Radiu TOK FM rozmawialiśmy z autorem książki "Charlotte Brontë i jej siostry śpiące" Erykiem Ostrowskim. (Read more) (Karolina Głowacka) (Translation)
The writer Teresa García in El País (Uruguay) recommends:
Un libro. Cumbres Borrascosas, de Emily Brontë. Es una historia de amor que te trastorna, no podés irte del mundo sin leer esta novela que es prosa y poesía, no te lo olvidás nunca. (Translation)
Romanzi 2.0 (in Italian) posts about Wuthering HeightsRamiels Bücherschrank (in German) review Jane Eyre; Alison Wheatley uploads to Flickr a recent picture of Anne Brontë's grave in Scarborough. Finally, the October Brontë Society newsletter is now out with these contents:
Newsnight Presenter Kirsty Wark Visits Yorkshire for Two Brontë Events
Fall, Leaves, Fall by Emily Brontë
Spooky half term fun at the Brontë Parsonage
Capturing the Brontës: New Exhibition Opened by High Sheriff of West Yorkshire
Christmas is coming to the Brontë Parsonage!
Find the Perfect Christmas Gift at the Brontë Museum Shop
Ann Sumner is guest speaker at 20th annual Brontë Rotary Club dinner


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