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Monday, July 01, 2013

Monday, July 01, 2013 7:53 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
The Telegraph describes the Hay Festival Kells in Ireland where
In Kiernan’s Butchers on Market Street, CJ Sansom and Kate Atkinson shared a window display with Emily Brontë, Kathy Reichs and Simon Schama among others. (Liz Hunt)
While actress Marla McLean mentions her current read in the National Post:
I’m not reading anything right now. I’m preparing for an audition right now. Actually, it’s Jane Eyre, so that’s what I’m reading. (David Rockne Corrigan)
Daily Express reviews the novel An Englishwoman in New York by Anne-Marie Casey and offers a glimpse into the writer's current project:
. . . Casey, who, after years in the cut-and-thrust world of television, adapted Little Women for the Gate Theatre in Dublin (she is planning to adapt Wuthering Heights for the same theatre) and tried her hand at novel-writing when she lost her job. (Jane Clinton)
The Daily News Online (Lower Columbia) features a local student who fortunately dreams of being a doctor, not a literature major:
It was a relief to get into Advanced Placement classes in history and world literature — although she hated reading “Wuthering Heights,” Temple said. “It’s a terrible book.” (Cathy Zimmerman)


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