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Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013 8:16 am by Cristina in , , , , , ,    No comments
Judith Natelli McLaughlin picks her '10 Best Names in Fiction' for The Huffington Post.
4. Heathcliff from Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights -- part hopeless romantic, part homeless child, part evil villain, the man with one name, Heathcliff, remains an iconic character.
Speaking of the man and even though it took place a few days ago, several sites are now reporting the whole  Wood-be-Bushes event: NME (includes video), Consequence of Sound, Death and Taxes (video too).

Metro discusses fan fiction and Wide Sargasso Sea is mentioned, as usual:
‘Funnily enough, these folk never seem to mind that Shakespeare nicked all his plots and many of his characters from other writers, nor do they condemn Jean Rhys for writing a prequel to Jane Eyre (Wide Sargasso Sea), or blame George Macdonald Fraser for appropriating Thomas Hughes’ character Flashman from Tom Brown’s Schooldays.
‘But it’s no different, except that Brontë and Hughes are out of copyright.' (Ross McGuinness)
Left Lion features the exhibition The First Cut at the Lakeside Arts Centre, where Su Blackwell's work can be seen.
In Su Blackwell’s work the books are cut apart but this ‘destruction’ brings their text to life in a new form. A magnolia tree, roses and a magical scene from Wuthering Heights spring from the pages, reflecting a sense of, or a scene from, their respective books. 
La Gaceta (Spain) finds a Brontëite in the writer Natalia Sanmartín:
¿De dónde sacó usted semejante bagaje?De la biblioteca que conocí de niña. Julio Verne me llevó a la literatura inglesa del XIX, y luego llegué a Tolkien, pasando por Charlotte Brontë, Jane Austen o Dickens.
¿De pequeña, vd. quería ser la señorita Brönte [sic]?Queria ser lectora. Fui lectora precoz. De ahí surgió todo. (Alfonso Basallo) (Translation)
Gay (Netherlands) features the film festival De Lesbo-Code:
De film op 2 juni heet The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister. Deze film onthult een verrassende kant van de wereld die we kennen van Jane Austen en de Brontës. (Erik Feenstra) (Translation)
Now for a  weird mention, which may or may not have to do with the fact that it is translated. From Katholisches.info (Germany):
Dafür müßten wir nicht auf Radio Vatikan Besprechungen von Kinofilmen hören, die sexuelle Akte überdrehter lesbischer Teenager feiern, als handle es sich um die hohen Ideale eines Romans der Schwestern Brontë. (Francesco Colafemmina) (Translation)
Mainline Media News interviews a young athlete whose favourite book is Jane Eyre, a book also loved by What's On My Nightstand.

Finally, via the Brontë Parsonage Twitter, we have found out about this exciting initiative by writer and editor A. J. Ashworth:
I've not mentioned this on here before but I'm currently editing an anthology of stories to help raise funds for The Brontë Birthplace Trust. The idea for the book came about after I was added into the Trust's group on Facebook - they were looking for ways to raise money towards their goal of one day buying the Brontë birthplace in Thornton, Bradford and I suggested a short story collection. There will be more on this in the introduction to the book.
Happily, Unthank Books are going to publish Red Room: New Short Stories Inspired by the Brontës in October/November this year - and it's going to be a cracking read. It features 12 stories by some of the UK's best short story writers (all will be revealed in time!) as well as a poem by Simon Armitage. I've more or less finished editing now so - fingers crossed - the manuscript will be off to the typesetters soon. I'll update you more over the next few months.
Watch this space!


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