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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013 1:42 pm by M. in , , ,    No comments
The Argus talks about the Wood-be-Bushes event yesterday, May 25, at the Stanmer Park in Brighton:
If you go down to Stanmer Park today you’re in for a big surprise – specifically, hundreds of people dressed up as reclusive pop star Kate Bush.
The event is the brainchild of the Shambush Theatre Company, which hopes to set a new world record for the most people to re-enact her famous Wuthering Heights video.
Emily Jenkins, from the theatre group, said the idea for the event came from “her love of Kate Bush”.
She said: “It is sure to be quite a spectacle.
“We are inviting as many people as possible to come along dressed up in red to re-enact the video.
“All you need to take part is a red dress, a sense of fun and willingness to join in and dance.”
The SundayTimes interviews Lynda LaPlante who continues with her plans to write a Brontë thriller (remember that her initial intentions were not precisely the most promising ones...):
Witter: What’s happening?
LLP: I’m working on a new script about the Brontë sisters. Months of reading everything the three of them wrote… but I’m still writing thrillers. (Mark Edmonds)
The Hindu lists some successful novel to film adaptations:
Jane Eyre
Charlotte Brontë’s 1847 book has been translated so often into moving pictures you would imagine there was little left to rediscover. Surprising, then, how effective is the 2011 version, starring Mia Wasikowska as plain-but-passionate Jane, and Michael Fassbender as the forbidding Edward Rochester.
The opening sequence by director Cary Joji Fukunaga is an indication of why the film feels fresh. The chronological narrative has been chopped up, and we begin towards the end of the book, with Jane fleeing Thornfield Hall. But in the drama of that flight — beautifully filmed by Adriano Goldman — is preserved the Gothic theatricality of the story as well as the grounded appeal of its brave heroine. (Parvathi Nayar)
This article about a local house in the Edmonton Journal contains a Brontë reference:
A simple oak-and-white spindle staircase leads upstairs to a favourite spot for escaping, reading and dreaming. The large window seat just off the landing makes Janet think of the kinds of secret hiding places in her favourite reads, including Anne of Green Gables and Jane Eyre. (Nancy Rempel)
YellowBrix talks about the actress, writer and Brontëite, Angela Crow:
Three weeks later I got a typed, addressed envelope through the door.'' What's this?'' mum said. It was a letter from Phillip Barrett, asking whether I'd be interested in playing Adèle in Jane Eyre. Well, it was the most magical moment. I think I still have that letter.
A Jane Eyre reference on Cult of Mac:
Is your iBooks library starting to outgrow those beautiful skeuomorphic wooden bookshelves that Apple provided for you? Have you purchased way too many Star Wars novels, only to find them crowding out your beloved Jane Eyre collection? (Rob LeFebvre)
Libération (Morocco) reviews L'Épreuve de la Passion by Mamoun Lahbabi:
Plus profondément, le roman renoue avec un vieil ogre pour la Femme : le Quotidien, plus précisément, le poids du Quotidien. Les références littéraires de l’auteur balisent le chemin : Bovary, Anna Karénine, les Brontë résonnent mélancoliquement chez les initiés. (Habib Mazini) (Translation)
According to Agoravox Francis Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby is more difficult to adapt than Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights; SinMordaza (Argentina) recommends a visit to the Peak District where Jane Eyre was shot; iDigital Times reports the correction of Anne Brontë's headstone; The Neo-Victorian Parlour posts about Emily Brontë; El Blog Perdido de Laura reviews (in Spanish) the Winifrid Gérin biography of Emily Brontë.

Finally, Make My Monday publishes the winners of the Jane Eyre literary inspiration challenge. Worth a visit!


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