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Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013 12:33 am by M. in , ,    No comments
The latest album by the singer and composer Susanne Abbuehl contains lyrics by Emily Brontë:
Susanne Abbuehl
The Gift

Susanne Abbuehl: voice
Matthieu Michel: flugelhorn
Wolfert Brederode: piano, Indian harmonium
Olavi Louhivouri: drums, percussion

Singer Susanne Abbuehl has a unique approach to setting verse, getting inside the texts, exploring their inner melodies and rhythms, setting them free to float and sway. The approach is beautifully realized on “The Gift”, recorded in the South of France in the summer of 2012. Poetry embraced on this occasion includes words by Emily Dickinson, Emily Brontë,  Sara Teasdale, Wallace Stevens, and Susanne’s own lyrics. In the seven years that have elapsed since the release of “Compass”, Abbuehl’s band has been reorganized. Wolfert Brederode remains an important, central presence. New to the ensemble are Matthieu Michel, a highly intuitive musical partner since 2009, whose flugelhorn is a wonderful second voice here, and Olavi Louhivouri, whose sensitive drumming was previously heard on Tomasz Stanko’s “Dark Eyes”.
For instance, the track 13: Fall, Leaves, Fall.


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