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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday, December 19, 2012 8:41 am by Cristina in , ,    No comments
The Gulf Today pays a tribute to Emily Brontë on the anniversary of her death by discussing whether Heathcliff was a victim of Apartheid.
Heathcliff was a victim of apartheid. He was charred by his “otherness” the day he was born. The soot was beyond wash. It followed him to the grave. Emily Brontë, his creator, was killed by tuberculosis, Heathcliff by complexion and class. (Shaadaab S Bakht) (Read more)
On a lighter note, Senator John McCain recalls his loss on Jeopardy in The Washington Times.
Sen. John McCain [...] has certainly accumulated his share of knowledge on an array of subjects over the years.
Apparently Emily Brontë isn't one of them.
Mr. McCain on Tuesday recalled his loss on the classic television game show "Jeopardy" in 1965. He won the game the first day, but was stumped by the final question on the second day, according to the AP.
He shared the final clue with reporters: "Cathy loves him, but she married Edgar Linton instead."
"Yeahhhhhhhhhhh, you got it," Mr. McCain said after a reporter answered "Heathcliff" (though, to be fair, not in the form of a question). "And I missed it."
"And I lost it," he continued. "And you know what I wrote down? I wrote down 'Wuthering Heights.' And the answer was 'Heathcliff.' "
"How close!" offered a reporter.
"Loser again," Mr. McCain quipped. (David Sherfinski)
The Los Angeles Times interviews author Herman Wouk.
This book is composed of text messages, emails, notes of conversations — is there any future for sustained literary fictional narratives? Whatever form it takes, storytelling will exist, and words are the medium. In film and theater you have the staging to help the story along. In a novel, all you have are the words. But there's magic in words. And one way or another, a writer who has a story to tell, like "Jane Eyre," will find a way to tell it in words. And one way or another, through Amazon or the Nook or whatever, it will show up. (Patt Morrison)
And here's an - erm - imaginative metaphor from Shine in a recipe of rice crispy treats for grown-ups.
The secret to these rice crispy treats is a simple technique: browning butter transforms it from something milquetoast and mild-mannered to a darkly complex, rich, nutty flavor. If you'll allow a literary metaphor, it's like Jane Eyre's St. John compared to a dark and brooding Mr. Rochester. No contest, right? (Sarah McColl)
Remembering Emily Brontë on Readersforum's Blog, Audioboo (with a reading of No Coward Soul is Mine) and It's A Livre LifeGdzie ja, tam i blog mój...czyli zapiski z różnych stron mojego świata;) posts in Polish about Agnes Grey. Ingela on stuff writes briefly about Jane Eyre 2011 while Beardedknitter was moved by the film to create a shawl. Give pause… discusses Wide Sargasso SeaFor the Love of Film and Novels interviews Aviva Orr, author of The Mist on Brontë Moor.


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