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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday, June 24, 2012 10:12 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
The Independent (Ireland) gives its opinion about the upcoming erotic retelling of Jane Eyre:
If she were alive today, Charlotte Brontë would be screaming down the phone to her high-powered lawyers. As it is, she'll just have to make do with turning furiously in her grave.
The second-most-famous Brontë sister's very prim and proper romance Jane Eyre has just been given a saucy makeover that's widely expected to dislodge the racy Fifty Shades series from the top of the bestsellers when it hits the stores in August.
It has been retitled Jane Eyre Laid Bare, and there is already strong betting on what bodice-ripping liberties will be taken with the famous line: "Reader, I married him."
Describing herself as a fan on a mission to tune in a modern audience to a good thing, the author Eve Sinclair insists: "I have changed very little of Brontë's original to retell the timeless story of a young girl falling for an unattainable older man and getting out of her depth in a sensual world she cannot control."
"The idea is genius," gushed a director at the publishers Pan Macmillan, as he would. Others might argue that by the same logic the movie porn industry has been a hotbed of genius for decades, churning out such 'reimaginings' as Flesh Gordon, Moby's Dick and a million more. (Damian Corless)
The Toronto Star adds:
Jane Eyre Laid Bare is the next big thing in the wave of dirty, mommy-pornish fan fiction/public domain novels (Just FYI: there's no punchline possible in a world where a novel called Pride & Prejudice: Hidden Lusts exists. Not that I'd know anything about that book. – ed.) 
The Napa Valley Register looks into traditional English Pubs including
Old Silent Inn in Stanbury, Haworth, West Yorkshire
Located in rugged Brontë country of West Yorkshire where the sheep outnumber people by 10 to one, the Old Silent Inn is a fine example of what a country pub (and inn) does best. (Bob Ecker)
Eight Nights a Week reviews the Sydney performances of Polly Teale's Jane Eyre; B+ Movie Blog talks about the movies nominated to the 1939 Oscar awards including Wuthering Heights 1939; Serkan Salman Kişisel Web Sitesi posts about Jane Eyre 2011 in Turkish; zumbooks reviews (in Italian) Romancing Miss Brontë.


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