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Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010 12:19 pm by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Keighley News talks about the DVD Mike Harding's Christmas in Yorkshire:
Haworth is featured in a new DVD exploring how Christmas is traditionally celebrated in Yorkshire.
Mike Harding’s Christmas in Yorkshire” is presented by the Manchester-born comedian, musician and broadcaster.
The programme sees him pay a visit to the Brontë Parsonage Museum to find out how the district’s most famous literary family marked the festive occasion.
He also travels to many other parts of the historic three Ridings, sampling performances by brass bands and choirs while learning how the county’s history has helped shape the way in which Britons observe Christmas.
The DVD is available from The Dalesman magazine, Amazon, HMV and at selected visitor information centres.
As we posted some days ago:
Visiting the Brontë Parsonage at Haworth, Mike [Harding, author of Beautiful North] is surprised to discover that the traditional image of a cosy Victorian Christmas wasn’t quite the reality for the Brontë family. Brontë expert Dr Juliet Barker tells him there’s barely a mention of Christmas in letters documenting the Brontës’ lives. The only documented festive fact is a newly-married Charlotte and her husband distributing Christmas money around the village in 1854. (Emma Clayton)
The Washington Post talks about teens reviewing YA literature and mentions this anecdote about April Lindner's Jane:
Lily, who attends Westland Middle School in Bethesda, said her love of reading has intensified since she became a reviewer. She said she has read "a lot of cool authors."
Plus, reviewing has a certain cachet, she points out.
Some girls show off designer clothes, Lily said. She shows off books. "I get to flaunt the books to my friends," she said.
One day, she walked into a bookstore and spotted "Jane," a modernized version of "Jane Eyre." Lily had read it before the wider public probably knew it was coming, she said, which was "just sort of awesome." (Donna St. George)
Hogwarts Professor continues analysing Jane Eyre. Today: Genre and Gender Revulsion and Consequent Critical Disdain for Jane Eyre. Readin' and Dreamin' has just received Jude Morgan's The Taste of Sorrow and the Brontë Sisters has got several Brontë-related books; the Gruppo di Lettura Brice's House are reading Wuthering Heights (in Italian).

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