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Monday, December 27, 2010

Monday, December 27, 2010 12:04 am by M. in , , ,    No comments
A translation and a book of short stories with a Brontë twist:

1. A short stories compilation published in Germany but written in English:
Dark Passages
Monika Hartenauer & Jakob Möritz (eds.)
Books on Demand GMBH, 2010
ISBN: 978-3842326071

Ladies and gentlemen, please step back, the Orient Express is about to depart … but not everyone who boarded the train in Paris will leave it — alive …
Who will survive these mysterious events, and who will fall prey to equally mysterious passengers? Meet a glamorous cast of murderers, thieves, vampires, and many others on a magnificent journey of the Orient Express in the cold December of 1899.
As this article in the Mannheimer Morgen confirms the book includes a story where Jane Eyre travels with Dorian Gray in the Orient Express: Jane on the Train by Marjolijin Storm.

2. A Mexican edition of Wuthering Heights:
Cumbres borrascosas
Emily Brontë
Translation and Foreword: Alejandro Pareja
ISBN: 978-84-414-2660-3
Universidad Veracruzana, 2010
Colección: Clásicos. Biblioteca EDAF

Esta borrascosa historia de amor, ambientada en escenarios exóticos y entre exaltaciones poéticas, es la máxima expresión de la narrativa romántica. La casa de la cumbre y la narración de la sirvienta Nellie Deams [sic] envuelven al lector en un halo de misterio que empapa el relato de trágicas pasiones amorosas.
The Boletín de la Dirección Editorial de la Universidad Veracruzana mentions the publication of this and other translations.

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