A recent and an upcoming novel:
1. A recently published novel with references to
Jane Eyre and
Wuthering Heights, through Rochester and Heathcliff:
The Boyfriend of the month club
Maria Geraci
* Pub. Date: December 2010
* Publisher: Berkley Trade; Original edition (December 7, 2010)
* ISBN-13: 9780425236505
* ISBN: 0425236501
This sexy, funny new novel asks: Can a woman find a modern-day Mr. Darcy in Daytona Beach?At thirty, Grace O'Bryan has dated every loser in Daytona Beach. After the ultimate date-from-hell, Grace decides to turn her dwindling book club into a Boyfriend of the Month Club, where women can discuss the eligible men in their community. Where are the real life twenty-first century versions of literary heroes such as Heathcliff and Mr. Darcy?
Could it be successful and handsome Brandon Farrell, who is willing to overlook his disastrous first date with Grace and offers financial help for her parents' failing Florida gift shop? Or maybe sexy dentist Joe Rosenblum, who's great with a smile but not so great at commitment? Unfortunately, like books, men cannot always be judged by their covers...
The author is interviewed on
Borders Blog:
One of most enjoyable things about writing this story was that I had to reread the romantic classics that I referenced in the book. I spent lots of hours catching up on all my favorites like Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and Emma, to name a few. Best. Research. Ever!
2. And an upcoming book as presented on Publishers Lunch (via the
Facebook of the author):
Here's the official announcement: Eve Marie Montt's A Breath of Eyre, in which a 21st-century girl finds herself transported into the novel Jane Eyre, the first in a Gothic Revival trilogy, to Martin Biro in a three-book deal, for publication in Spring 2012, by April Eberhardt.
Categories: Books, Jane Eyre, References
I loved this novel and it's reference to the classics. Check out my review at http://amandarosetew.blogspot.com/. Comment for a chance to win a copy (if you don't already have one!).