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Thursday, October 07, 2010

Thursday, October 07, 2010 10:07 am by Cristina in , , , ,    5 comments
A few weeks ago we reported that Andrea Corr had been cast as Jane Eyre for a forthcoming production in Dublin. Today we have seen the first promotional pictures on Broadsheet and the Independent (Ireland). The Independent also reports:
SINGER Andrea Corr donned a period dress yesterday for her forthcoming role as Jane Eyre.
The Dundalk-born pop star plays the lead in the eponymous romantic drama opposite actor Stephen Brennan as Lord Rochester. It opens at Dublin's Gate Theatre on November 9.
Although Corr declined to talk to media yesterday, the Gate's artistic director Michael Colgan revealed he approached the 36-year-old after seeing her in a production of playwright Brian Friel's 'Dancing at Lughnasa' at the Old Vic Theatre in London in February.
"I was hugely impressed with her performance. That's when she and I started talking," said Mr Colgan.
In this adaptation by Alan Stanford of Charlotte Brontë's novel, Corr plays Eyre, a young woman who survives a wretched childhood, unbroken in spirit and integrity, to eventually fall in love with the troubled Mr Rochester. Previews start on November 4. (Ken Sweeney) (Picture source)
And now for a bit of pop-culture Wuthering Heights. The band We Are Scientist have made a mix tape for the New Haven Register which includes Kate Bush's Wuthering Heights:
"Wuthering Heights" Kate Bush: I just witnessed a woman - a friend-of-a-friend stranger - deliver a note-for-note, pitch-perfect performance of this at a karaoke bar in this East Village. Try to get ahold of her if you can (I think she knows my friend Ilyse?), but, failing that, Kate Bush's original will suffice. (Chris March)
Vox Populi gives advice on relationships:
Also dearie, not every relationship has to be like Wuthering Heights. I’ve got shocking news—you can be serious about someone without being serious when you’re with her.
And Associated Content lists some films which include scenes where women do needlework and Wuthering Heights is mentioned.

My Reading Room has a guest post by Libby Sternberg on her love affair with Jane Eyre (and a giveaway!), author of Sloane Hall. Under the Fairy Dust review April Lindner's Jane. And Dancing Around the Subject posts about Jane Eyre.

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  1. Surely this production should be called "Jane and Rochester - 20 years later" and not "Jane Eyre"... Corr is twice the age of Jane and Brennan is definitely not late 30s...

  2. I agree with Traxy. I saw the photo and thought maybe they were doing a sequel along the lines of the "Scarlett" TV series. The horror!

  3. While I adore Andrea Corr as a singer, she's not a great actress. My other issue is that she is not the age to play Jane Eyre. I hate it when directors fall for an actress and cast them in roles they have no business doing so.

  4. WELL I say give it a chance... Time will tell. FYI I think she looks the part

  5. I'll give it a chance as well but... the age thing does seem like an odd oversight.
