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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday, July 14, 2010 12:08 am by M. in , ,    No comments
Bernard Herrmann's Wuthering Heights will be performed today, July 14, in a concert version in Montpellier, France:
Festival Radio France Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon
Wednesday July 14th, Opéra Berlioz /Le Corum 20:00 h

Bernard Herrmann
Les Hauts de Hurlevent (Wuthering Heights )

Opéra en quatre actes et un prologue (1943-51)
Livret de Lucille Fletcher d’après le roman d’Emily Brontë
version concert


Laura AIKIN, soprano : Catherine Earnshaw (in the picture, Credits: Laura Aikin)
Boaz DANIEL , baryton : Heathcliff
Vincent LE TEXIER, baryton : Hindley Earnshaw
Hanna SCHAER, mezzo-soprano : Nelly Dean
Yves SAELENS, ténor : Edgar Linton
Marianne CREBASSA, mezzo-soprano : Isabella Linton
Nicolas CAVALLIER, baryton : Mr Lockwood
Jérôme VARNIER, basse : Joseph
Gaspard FERRET, Hareton Earnshaw

Orchestre National de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon
Groupe vocal Opera Junior
Direction Alain ALTINOGLU
Chef chœur Opera Junior Valérie SAINTE-AGATHE-TIPHAINE
Chef de chant Muriel BÉRARD
The concert will be broadcast live by Radio France. You can listen to it online here.

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