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Monday, May 03, 2010

Monday, May 03, 2010 12:03 am by M. in ,    No comments
Charlotte Brontë's The Professor has been adapted for the stage by Julie Britton. Today there's an only chance to see a complete playreading in Melbourne, Australia:
Fly on the Wall presents
Charlotte Brontë’s The Professor
Mon 3 May 10 - 7.30pm
45 Flinders Lane
Melbourne 3000

Adapted by Julia Britton
Directed by Robert Chuter
Hosted by Marie-therese Byrne
With Aaron J. March, Marissa Bennett, Caroline Lloyd & Benjamin Byrne.

William, an orphan and an Eton graduate, decides to leave his aristocratic maternal uncles and seek his own way up in the world. He approaches his estranged brother for employment as a clerk. He receives a nasty shock in discovering that his brother is a tyrant and nothing like a gentleman. With the help of a stranger he is freed from his employment without a dint on his own self- respect.
He proceeds to try his luck in Brussels as an English teacher in an establishment for boys and later the neighbouring establishment for girls. It is here where he finds more heinous examples of human character, unveiling deceit and treachery. He sees beneath the pretty face and manners of the ‘directress’ of the school to find a calculating and unscrupulous mind. But it is here also where he finds a gem, which needs a little polishing to bring out her true colours.
He meets a fellow teacher, who is also his pupil learning English. His world is suddenly turned upside down when Mademoiselle Henri suddenly disappears with no trace and under suspicious circumstances.
More information on Australian Stage.

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