
  • S2 E1: With... Jenny Mitchell - Welcome back to Behind the Glass with this early-release first episode of series 2 ! Sam and new co-host Connie talk to prize-winning poet Jenny Mitchell...
    4 months ago

Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009 12:02 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Four alerts for the following days:

1. A poetry reading of Rita María Martínez, author of Jane-in-the-Box, in Chicago, IL:
Palabra Pura: Rita María Martínez and Luis Tubens
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 - 7:30pm

Time: Reading begins at 7:30PM.
Cost: Free admission, all ages.
Location: Décima Musa, 1901 S. Loomis, Chicago

Rita María Martínez is the author of the poetry collection, Jane-in-the-Box (March Street Press, 2008). A graduate of Florida International University’s MFA Creative Writing Program, Martínez’s work has appeared in Gulf Stream, Ploughshares, Gargoyle, Diamgram, MiPoesias, and Tigertail: A South Florida Poetry Anthology. Her writing is also featured in Caña Quemada: Contemporary Cuban Poetry in English and Spanish (Simon & Schuster). Martínez is an Academic Services Writing Tutor at Nova Southeastern University.
2. In San Fernando, Spain:
IX Ciclo de Tertulias Literarias
"San Fernando 1810 - 2010: Un encuentro entre ilustradas y tertulianas"

LUGAR: Aula de la Fundación Municipal de la Mujer.
SESIÓN 10: Cumbres borrascosas. Emily Brontë.
3. In Chattanooga, TN
Classic Lit Book Club reviews Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Rock Point Books, Chattanooga, TN
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 at 6:00 pm

Wuthering Heights is one of the most famous love stories in the English language. It is also one of the most potent revenge narratives. Its ingenious narrative structure, vivid evocation of landscape, and the extraordinary power of its depiction of love and hatred have given it a unique place in English literature.
Each month's selected title is available at Rock Point Books to participating members at a discount of 10% off of the regular price.
On the third Tuesday of each month, the CLBC will review and examine a literary classic.The Classic Literature Book Club is free to join and open to the public. Join anytime. For more information about this book club, please contact Joel Swanson at (423) 432-8579 or e-mail bookclub.classics@gmail.com.
4. A chance to see in a movie theatre, Wuthering Heights 1939. In the Traverse City Film Festival (Traverse City, MI):
Wuthering Heights
November 18, 1939 DAY
1:30 PM

Laurence Olivier, Merle Oberon and David Niven star in this beautiful adaptation of Emily Bronte's classic story of passion, hatred and revenge. Olivier and Oberon star as Heathcliff and Cathy, whose tortured love affair ends when Cathy marries the wealthy Edgar (Niven). Heathcliff's savage retaliation upon the woman he loves explodes in a stunning climax.
5. In Paris, A new chance to see Malin Lindroth's monologue Bertha M.:
BERTHA M. -une autre histoire d’amour
de Malin Lindroth
MONOLOGUE mis en lecture par Jacqueline Ordas.
Avec Jacqueline Corado
Lundi 16 Novembre 2009.
Maison de la suède - Cité Universitaire - Paris 14.
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