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Monday, November 16, 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009 9:06 am by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
The Winifred Free Press reviews Lemon by Cordelia Strube.
Throughout the novel, Lemon gives us her unique take on historical figures such as Genghis Khan, Henry VIII, Joseph Stalin and Marie Antoinette. She also comments on books like Jane Eyre, The Great Gatsby, Lady Chatterley's Lover and Anna Karenina. (Bev Sandell)
The publisher's website offers more insight into the Jane Eyre connection, which is not very positive we are afraid.
She reads Mary Wollstonecraft and gets pissed off that Jane Eyre is such a wimp.
A Certain Bent Appeal reviews the book:
Lemon battles these opponents with her sizeable intelligence. She weaves in story lines from Jane Eyre, Anna Karenina and other classics to try to make sense of her world, though she mostly dismisses their lessons as misogynistic. (B. Kienapple)
Not that we agree. At all.

So yesterday we had a Prime Minister degraded from Heathcliff to Dobby the house-elf and a rugby player who is 'Heathcliff himself', and that was only yesterday - we have had heaps more in the past. Today's crop of Heathcliff lookalikes brings football coach Kevin Fallon as added by The Press (New Zealand).
As Kevin [Fallon] – who still casts an image of a Heathcliff clone fresh from the Yorkshire Moors – joined the 82 crew on a triumphal trek around the pitch before kickoff. . . (Tony Smith)
The Australian also employs a similar comparison when describing the National Park of Majella in Italy:
Majella: Imagine The Lord of the Rings crossed with Wuthering Heights and a couple of swashbuckling wartime escape stories thrown in: such are the improbable delights of Majella, an ethereal land of braying goats and swooping eagles. (Brendan Sainsbury)
On the blogosphere, Redhead Reviews and Foreign Reader Says post about Jane Eyre, Os Meus Livros writes about Wuthering Heights in Portuguese and Jayne's Books has joined Laura's Reviews All About the Brontës Challenge.

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