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Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009 12:03 am by M. in , ,    No comments
We have today a Wuthering Heights that never was and a Wuthering Heights that may be.

1. A frustrated Wuthering Heights was the project of the comic book author Tim Fish. Quoting from his blog. (Picture source: timfishworks)
Proposal one was to create a true-to-novel adaptation of one of my favorite novels, Wuthering Heights. The initial reaction was positive, but ultimately was a no-go.
I was REALLY bummed. It would have been so much fun for me to draw the cruel romance, cute guys in period clothing, and ghosts! Oh well.
But here's a page of sketching I had done in my excitement while waiting to go to failure. Stables-boy Heathcliff is so dark, mean, and hot. I should think about self publishing an adaptation.
Comicus.it 5.0 interviewed the artist and he said:
Marvel Comics Solicitations for January revealed that you will do a story for the X-Nation anthology. How did you get this work?
I had contacted the editors, in hopes of pitching an adaptation of “Wuthering Heights” for their classics line; that wasn’t working out, but they asked if I would be interested in writing and drawing a Northstar story. I was told “the time is right” for a look into the character’s personal life. (Interview by Gianluca Reina. Translation by Andrea Cassola)
2. And the possible one comes from the painting Cime Tempestose by Marta Boccone:
Marta Boccone
"Deflagrazioni Sensoriali"
December 10 2009 -December 19 2009
Opening: 10 December 2009 , 18:30
Galleria Il Borgo
Corso San Gottardo,14 - Milano
Curator: Sabrina Falzone (Èra moderna)

Dal 10 dicembre la Galleria Il Borgo di Milano presenta "Deflagrazioni sensoriali" mostra personale di pittura di Marta Boccone, nota artista milanese dal talento naturale. Secondo il critico e storico dell'arte Sabrina Falzone, curatrice della mostra, la poetica del caos materico in Marta Boccone è recuperata mediante l'apologia del colore, dissipato in deflagrazioni sensoriali senza tempo. Sono granuli di tensione sonora sulle tele "Cime tempestose" a conferire all'ensemble un vibrante universo pittorico, palpabile nell'emozionalità della rappresentazione. Sono le ritmiche increspature materiche sugli "Orizzonti" di Marta Boccone a suggerire un viaggio subliminale verso arcane mete dell'anima, verso altri luoghi interposti tra realtà e fantasia. (Source) (Google translation).
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