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Monday, April 14, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008 1:38 pm by Cristina in , , , ,    No comments
Can you imagine what the slogan 'Sauver Emily Brontë (Save Emily Brontë)' may refer to? Much as you mulled it over we don't think you'd ever guess right.

A French lycée (high-school) called Emily Brontë has gone to the trenches to protest about several measures taken concering its structure, organization, etc. Apart from the slogan used for their blog, they also have a message board called Brontë Mobilisé. (Picture source)

Emily Brontë would probably sympathise with the cause, as she was one to do so. She famously imposed on herself and her sisters a hunger strike until their aunt agreed to nurse Tabby at the Parsonage after she had a terrible fall seriously damaging her leg.

Now let's go back to the big news that is Natalie Portman's being cast as Cathy. The independent reports the controversy (is there anything not controversial these days?):
A wuthering attack on Natalie
The latest big screen version of Wuthering Heights is likely to get the traditionalists' blood boiling.
According to recent reports, the producers of the forthcoming adaptation of Emily Brontë's classic British novel have decided to cast the Hollywood star Natalie Portman in the role of Catherine Earnshaw.
But a number of critics point out that there are plenty of British actresses such as Keira Knightley and Sienna Miller who would have been more than up to the task, not least since Portman did not do a great job of playing Anne Boleyn in The Other Boleyn Girl.
The matter recalls the baffling decision to cast French actress Juliette Binoche in the 1992 adaptation opposite Ralph Fiennes. One film scribe dubbed her bizarre "Franglais" accent as like watching "Catherine Clouseau". (Henry Deedes)
Speaking of that Wuthering Heights adaptation. Ryuichi Sakamoto wrote the original soundtrack for it and it is discussed - in Spanish - on Blog Esquizofónico.

More in Spanish. The Argentinian Página 12 writes at length about Una novela real, by Minae Mizumura. As you will recall this is a Japanese retelling of Wuthering Heights that should soon be available in English as A Real Novel.

Now for one of those weird the Brontës-in-the-spots-news mentions comes from a Guardian blog discussing golf:
Heath Slocum, for instance, could be a term for a temporary doctor in Wuthering Heights[.] (Martin Kelner)
What we don't know is whether Mr Kelner makes the joke knowing that Heath is short for Heathcliff or whether it's sheer coincidence or a weird case of subconscious association.

Finally, a couple of blogs more: God's Hazelnut writes about Jane Eyre and British Literature about Wide Sargasso Sea.

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