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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007 11:42 am by M. in , , , , ,    No comments
Let's begin with the bookwise quiz that proposes The Sunday Times today. Two questions are related with Jane Eyre:
Bookwise - Barbara Hall

Can you name these female characters with the surnames of occupations that were not their own? In which books do they appear? Who are the authors?

1 In Spanish Town, in the Caribbean, an English visitor married this dark-haired young woman. Fifteen years later, her brother sailed to England in search of her. She had become a violent madwoman, locked away in the attic of her husband’s country home. (...)

7 She was a little-valued underteacher at the austere Lowood Institute, where the unfortunate young orphan Jane was placed by an uncaring relative. Jane had to share a bed with the overworked teacher, who had a ruddy, sometimes purple, complexion.
The answers, if you need to check your answers (tsk, tsk), are here.

Polly Teale's Jane Eyre is performed in Thomasville (Acting Company's US tour) and the local newspaper talks about it:
“There’s a strong cast all around, it’s beautifully directed and very interesting and the story itself is really compelling,” said Christopher Oden, 44, who portray’s Rochester in the play. “Jane is, in some ways, a very contemporary woman. She’s very strong and the way she navigates her world and the love story is heartbreaking.” (...)
“I had wanted to work with director for a while, but I’d never read the story before I got involved with the production,” said Oden. “I didn’t have a particular part I wanted to play, but I love my role. Rochester fell in love with Jane and he has a violent temper and reverses himself. It’s an amazing love story and to get to live that love story is really fun.” (Teresa Williams in Thomasville Times-Enterprise)
The same performances some days ago in Cincinnati have been awarded with an Enquirer Acclaim Award:
The recent touring production of "Jane Eyre" presented by Cincinnati Arts Association has also won an Acclaim Award.
Throughout the season, experts have been nominating the best performances, productions and rising stars. The awards program is May 21 at the Carnegie Center for Visual and Performing Arts in Covington. (Jackie Demaline)
The blogosphere provides today two interesting review/comments on different aspects of Jane Eyre. From a Christian point of view: Stray Thoughts, and from a ... knitting point of view: Ariadne Knits.

Other news today complement some things that we have posted in the past: Brontë as a name returns on this article in Celebrity Baby-Blog, the case of Rock Me Gently borrowing from Jane Eyre is mentioned in The Observer and here you can find what's the present status of the California hills that were Wuthering Heights in the 1939 film version.

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