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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007 12:07 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments

Джен Эйр or Jane Eyre, in Russian. Komsomolskaya Pravda (a newspaper from Rostov, Russia) publishes a series of articles about Jane Eyre and Charlotte Brontë. The novel is offered this week (from March 13 until March 19) as a part of the Библиотека на все времена series (Volume 19).
EDIT: More articles in Komsomolskaya Pravda:

Шарлотту Бронте называли английской Жанной д'Арк

«Джен Эйр» впервые экранизировали в 1910 году

And also from Russia comes the rock band Jane Air. It seems that when written in Russian is pronounced the same way as our Jane Eyre. As they say, is just a phonetic coincidence, and we just love how it sounds. This is not the first rock band named after Jane Eyre that we have found out. Check this old post, for instance.


Đồi gió hú or Wuthering Heights in Vietnamese. This post on [Sach]Pink presents a recent (2006) edition of a Vietnamese translation of Emily Brontë's novel. Translated by Dương Tường and published by VH-Văn học.

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