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Sunday, March 04, 2007

Sunday, March 04, 2007 12:20 pm by M. in , ,    No comments
A couple of Jane Eyres.

The Westmoreland Gazette invites you to check Jane Eyre Country. That is, the places where the latest Jane Eyre from the BBC was shot.

Haddon Hall, Kedleston Hall, Sudbury Hall and Bolsover Castle are just a few of the venues seen as backdrops in the recent BBC 1 TV drama serial of Jane Eyre.

The serial was filmed almost entirely in the Peak District, and TV addicts can now actually visit the stately homes and rolling countryside to learn more about the locations used during filming.

A leaflet, Visit Jane Eyre Country, is available free from 01629-816558 or log on to mailto://bakewell@peakdistrict.gov.uk. Details and special offers can be found on: http://www.visitpeakdistrict.com/ (Ken Bennett)

More information about the leaflet in this old post of ours.

Yesterday, we published a review of the Jane Eyre performances in the University of Washington. Today, we have another:
First of all, I was taken aback by the stage. I didn't realize that the stage was set on the floor level, along with the audience. This personal setting establishes a certain connection with the actors and the audience. You could see the complex emotions on each person's face, the swift and beautiful moves of the actresses that emphasize the scene, or the flowing costumes only within a few feet of the stage itself.

Second, I was amazed by the sheer flexibility of each actor and actress within their roles. Some actors and actresses had played multiple roles, which impressed me by their ability to give each character depth and personality. One particular actress, Hannah Franklin, was particular a joy to watch as she portrayed two characters of seemingly opposite personalities, Mrs. Reed and Ms. Fairfax. Jane's other half, her true desire, was also skillfully and beautifully portrayed by actress Amanda Zarr.

Thirdly, the show itself was incredible. I have not read Jane Eyre, so as the story had unfolded I was fully enraptured by the turns of the play. The underlining themes of societal pressures and the desires of a woman to be fully known, expressed, and loved, were displayed within this play. Overall, the actors, actresses, lighting crew, costume designers, and directors did a marvelous job in the production of Jane Eyre. (Stacy Chan on Husky Life)

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