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    4 months ago

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006 12:30 pm by M. in ,    2 comments
The BBC adaptation of Jane Eyre still generates news in two fronts:

1- The upcoming US broadcast by the PBS.

We already published a tentative schedule that now seems to be confirmed. The Jane Eyre imdb board list and the Toby Stephens Fan Site give January 21 and January 28 as the airing dates. The Oregon local PBS station OPB, also offers the following schedule:
As we already pointed out, the exact hour has to be checked carefully because it may change according to the local station. There's also usually a repetition that each station places on different slots (for instance, OPT seems to place it on Tuesday).

2- The Jane Eyre country in the Peak District.

Some days ago we posted about the publication of a guide to the to film and literature locations in the Peak District, Front Row of the Peak.

Now the Visit Peak District website offers a free leaflet with a map to the locations of the BBC production.
The Peak District and Derbyshire is destined to become a favourite haunt of the ‘set-jetting’ visitor - those who purposely visit film and TV locations! You can discover your own dramatic locations and walk in the steps of famous novelists or modern day film stars by visiting the region's stunning scenery and historic homes with the help of our new movie map, Visit Jane Eyre Country.
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  1. Ilam hall just north of the town of Ashbourne in Derbyshire was used for the set of Lowood School and on a routine visit to take photographs of the Hall, I wandered onto the set. Panoramic images of filming in progress can be seen at http://www.peakdistrictview.com/?page=place&placeid=135.


  2. Ooh, thank you very much!!

    The pictures are fantastic. The 3D look is almost like being right there.

    Lovely work.
