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    4 months ago

Monday, March 05, 2007

Monday, March 05, 2007 12:14 am by Cristina in ,    No comments
As announced on their blog, the Brussels Brontë Group now has a website of its own, with lots of information on the group and the city of Brussels at the time of the Brontës' stay there, as well on the Brontës' impressions.

The purpose of the group is clear-cut:

One of our aims is to redress this by promoting interest in and events relating to the Brontë places in Brussels, as well as to the Brontës in general, and we feel that it is particularly fitting that our group should be actually based in Brussels.
The Group was founded by members of the Brontë Society living in the Netherlands and Belgium - a Dutch researcher who has written books on the Pensionnat Heger and other Brontë places in Brussels, the artist who illustrated them and a British Brontë enthusiast who had recently moved to the city. It soon grew to include people living in other neighbouring countries. On our membership page you can read accounts by some of our members of what led them to the Brussels Brontë Group.
The site is unique in that it compiles facts and pictures relating to this crucial period in the lives of Charlotte and Emily Brontë. Of special interest is the page talking about their 'secret mission' as well as the few things that still remain since the time of the Brontës' stay, but also the page on the Hegers or the page on Brussels in the 1840s.

An in-depth to this site is highly recommended! And, why not, afterwards a tour around the city?

(Picture source. The picture shows the famous Allée Défendue at the Pensionnat.)



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