The exhibition
Eyre Apparent in Rotunda gets reviewed by the
Daily Progress.
Highlights of the Rare Book School's 400-piece exhibit include paper dolls, British postage stamps featuring scenes from the novel, a tea towel, a thimble, a juice glass and a decorative plate. Behind the glass of the Rotunda's exhibit, visitors will also find many editions of the novel and "Jane Eyre" sequels, prequels, spin-offs and rip-offs ranging from a sadomasochistic retelling of the story to the comic book written in modern Greek. [...]
"We're presenting 'Jane Eyre' in just about as many possible forms as we could imagine," Buchtel said. "Every one of those forms affects the way that you understand the novel."
The curators devoted an entire section of the exhibit to what they call the "pretty Janes." Visitors can compare cover portraits throughout the years and editions of the novel. This cover art, among other things, reflects how "Jane Eyre" was beautified to appeal to the consumer, Heritage said.
Incredibly interesting. A lot of effort has obviously gone into this unique exhibition (its fascinating brochure can be read
here) you so if you can make it there before April - don't hesitate. As usual, if you visit it - contact us with your thoughts and opinions and - especially for this one - a comment on which item appealed you the most for whichever reason :)
Categories: In_the_News,Art-Exhibitions, Brontëana, Weirdo, Charlotte_Brontë, Jane_Eyre
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