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Friday, January 29, 2021

iNews has interviewed writer Kate Mosse.
Who is your favourite author and why do you admire her/him?
I tend to have favourite books, but any list would include Emily Brontë, TS Eliot, Agatha Christie, Adrienne Rich, Zora Neale Hurston, Georgette Heyer and Alice Walker.
The Washington Post reviews The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah.
But Elsa is about one strip of yellow wallpaper away from a nervous breakdown. Her heart is a thumping muscle of unsatisfied longings and unrealized ambitions. Like Jane Eyre, she fumes with the exasperation of a passionate woman long dismissed and repressed. “If she didn’t do something soon, something drastic, her future would look no different from her present,” Hannah writes. “She would stay in this house for all her life” with novels as her only friends. (Ron Charles)
The Guardian has ranked 'Ralph Fiennes's 20 best film performances' and although Wuthering Heights 1992 doesn't make the cut, it does get a mention.
3. Schindler’s List (1993)
Before this film, Fiennes had been known for some distinguished stage work at the National Theatre and the RSC, and possibly for his film debut as Heathcliff opposite Binoche in Wuthering Heights in 1992. But what exploded him into international stardom was his chillingly persuasive performance in Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List. (Peter Bradshaw)
The Guardian also discusses what may happen in terms of sequels, prequels and retellings now that The Great Gatsby entered the US public domain.
[Anne Margaret Daniel, an F Scott Fitzgerald scholar], who has yet to read Nick [by Michael Farris Smith] when we speak but is looking forward to it, points to a line scribbled by Fitzgerald in one of his notebooks: “Nostalgia or flight of the heart”. “Anybody who comes up with a successful Gatsby-derivative novel has got to have that same sense of flight to the heart or else they will just be turning everything to straight parody,” she says. “If there is a Wide Sargasso Sea out there for Gatsby, I would welcome it with open arms. But it would take a writer like Jean Rhys to have both the imaginative capacity and the literary grace to do it. The novels coming out that are derived from Gatsby, the good ones, will have to be written by people who not only love Fitzgerald and love the book, but who are able to at least approach his writing style, and I can’t think of many people who can touch that.” (Alison Flood)
Biba (France) includes both Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights on a selection of the best 9 love stories to read at least once in a lifetime.
Jane Eyre, de Charlotte Brontë
Pauvre, orpheline et pas très jolie, Jane Eyre a tout de même développé une force de caractère qui l’aide à se faire une place dans la société rigide de l’Angleterre victorienne. Elle arrive même à trouver l’amour, tout en défiant tous les obstacles !
Les hauts de Hurlevent, d’Emily BrontëL’histoire d’un enfant orphelin, recueillit par la famille de Mr Earnshaw, dont les enfants ne sont pas tous ravis par le nouvel arrivant. Entre sentiments opposés, vengeances et destruction. (Laurena Valette) (Translation)
El economista (Spain) also recommends reading Wuthering Heights in 2021.

Página 12 (Argentina) mentions the fact that Gael Policano Rossi reimagined Wuthering Heights as a short theatre piece in which the characters are electric appliances.
Por último, “Cumbres Borrascosas” revisita la obra de Emily Brontë, y la dispone para un elenco de electrodomésticos. Ciertamente, a partir de este texto Lolo y Lauti, en el año 2014, diseñaron el espectáculo interpretados por los mismos artefactos. (Leonardo Gudiño) (Translation)
The Telegraph lists '10 annoying things UK tourism needs to fix before our Great British summer':
Coach drivers must be banned from parking in the centre of historic villages
Time and time again, when wandering in the hamlets of the Cotswolds or the Peak District and spying a church straight out of Brontë novel, you’ll find a ‘Smethwicks of Luton’ coach parked directly in front of it with the engine still running and the driver immersed in the Daily Mirror crossword; none of which is conducive to the bucolic, atavistic vibe we all travelled for. (Rob Crossan)
The Utah Statesman has included a quote from Villette on a list of 'Words of inspiration from women (from “A Woman’s Book of Inspiration”) for a new semester'. Mozart Cultures examines Jane Eyre as an early feminist novel. About Manchester recommends exploring 'the world of Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell with online tours of Gaskell House' (via Zoom), reminding readers of the fact that Charlotte Brontë visited once.


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