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Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Wednesday, March 29, 2023 12:30 am by M. in , ,    No comments
 New Brontë-related scholar works from Ecuador and México:
by Joselin Briggith Zárate Castillo
Adviser: Ada Nelly Rodríguez Álvarez
Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, Ecuador

The present research work focuses on analyzing the English Literature novel Jane Eyre, by Charlotte Brontë; Greimas theoretical-methodological approach ´was used to establish the categories of significance of the novel through narrative programs, actantial roles, lexematic figures, the subject actant´s profile and the veridictory square from Greimaisan theory; the intention of this research is to enhance classic literature´s conservation and promotion at local and national level. The methodology used in this work was based on the qualitative approach, semiotic method; it is a basic, descriptive research of literary corpus, whose intentional sample corresponds to the literary work Jane Eyre. The technique used corresponds to the interpretation of data or content analysis and the instruments respond to Greimas semiotic theory. The general conclusions of this research are: the novel has 87 narrative sequences that have Jane Eyre as the main operating subject; all actantial roles (subject/ object, sender /receiver, helper/opponent) are associated with the symbol of female freedom questioned in English literature. In addition, it is also important to mention the evolution of the character as a liberal subject that is evident in the figurative route of the character who transits from prison to freedom; so, the work reveals the social changes of time around the female figure.
by Maureen García Díaz
Advisor: René Díazgonzalez Plata
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México. Facultad de Lenguas. Toluca, México.

The main purpose of this research is to analyze three Spanish translations of Wuthering Heights from different publishing houses: Porrúa, Emán and Millenium.
This research focuses mainly on how each translation describes or changes the way of drafting and how these changes could affect or improve the final work.
Translation might be challenging when the translator faces the different translation processes because there is always a possibility of losing a part of the original meaning and even the beauty of the text, the reason why this could happen is because of cultural differences and/or grammatical differences.
In either case, the main job of the translator is to make the fewest changes possible so that the text could be as close as the original.
When the translator has to make decisions, those changes should be compensated by using the resources with the sole purpose of provoking the same writer’s intention as the original in the reader. This includes writer’s thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Furthermore, this research will focus on the changes of each Spanish translation of Wuthering Heights and if the additions or omissions accomplished or changed the translations.
Having compared the three Spanish translations of Wuthering Heights with the original text, written by Emily Brontë, the differences among them might show that even when the changes or translation errors do not make a big difference or make another interpretation, they may impoverish the translation. Context representation, thoughts and behavior are represented through words that could be omitted or altered; thus, the final translation will be plain.
This research will be divided into four sections:
The first section deals with the biography of the author, Emily Brontë, and relationship between Emily Brontë and her literary work, as well as the context and history of Wuthering Heights.
In the second section, translation theory concerned with communicative translation proposed by Peter Newmark and some more scholars will be presented in order to establish sound bases for the analysis of Wuthering Heights.
Then, in the third section, types of text and translation process proposed by Peter Newmark will be described since they contribute to the analysis of Wuthering Heights.
In the following section, excerpts from three English-to Spanish translations of Wuthering Heights will be contrasted with the original. The excerpts in this research were chosen intentionally because they give more information, or they show more differences among them.
Finally, conclusions and recommendations will be put forward for further research.
Some Emily Brontë’s poems from 1850 Wuthering Heights will be included in the appendices.


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