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Sunday, June 27, 2021

The infamous Ian Bailey in The Independent (Ireland):
That day 24 years ago I remember thinking Bailey had the classic appearance of a Shakespearean leading actor — tall, with raven black hair and rugged good looks. I’ve lost count of the times people told me he reminded them of the Heathcliff character from Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights. (Ralph Riegel)
The Northern Times quotes Charlotte Brontë talking about angels in Christian beliefs:
In her novel Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë’s character Helen says to Jane: “Besides this earth, and besides the race of men, there is an invisible world and a kingdom of spirits: that world is round us, for it is everywhere; and those spirits watch us, for they are commissioned to guard us; and... God waits only the separation of spirit from flesh to crown us with a full reward. Why, then, should we ever sink overwhelmed with distress, when life is so soon over, and death is so certain an entrance to happiness – to glory?” (Rev John Sterrett)
ED Times (India) on how artists use colours (like red):
It is a contradictory color that stands for love and violence. In novels such as Jane Eyre, red is used for a dramatic effect. It is often used to symbolize aggression and passion. (Prerna Magan)
Austin360 reviews the documentary The Sparks Brothers:
Early hit "This Town Ain't Big Enough For Both of Us" (1974) frolics with the mannered country estate menace of its spiritual younger sibling, "Wuthering Heights" (not my fave Kate Bush track, but no one asked). Electronic pulse-jumpers like "The Number One Song In Heaven" (1979) and "When Do I Get to Sing 'My Way'" (1994) scratch itches as diverse as Pet Shop Boys and Cut Copy. (Eric Webb)
Den of Geek talks about David Bowie's character in Labyrinth:
Jareth’s costumes were designed to reference “a leather boy”, the armour of a German knight, Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights, and male ballet dancers. “He’s an amalgam of the inner fantasies of this girl. Everyone always talks about Bowie’s perv pants, but there was a reason for it all! It has a surface that’s fairly light, but then every so often you go, ‘Oh, my God! How did we get away with that?!’” (Louisa Mellor)
Donna Moderna (Italy) and books that gets you moved, like Wuthering Heights:
Un libro angosciante e commovente, che racconta una storia d’amore impossibile. Protagonisti Heathcliff e Catherine, due persone che si amano e due antieroi condannati all’infelicità. Ad allontanarli è un destino ineluttabile e scelte difficili che li porteranno a non coronare il loro sogno d’amore. Il romanzo di Emily Brontë è un classico della letteratura romantica che però, al tempo stesso, ne modifica i canoni. Pubblicato nel 1847 per la prima volta, porta in scena l’amore di Heathcliff per Catherine. Un amore impossibile, a causa delle scelte di entrambi e di incomprensioni. Presentato come un antieroe, il protagonista di Cime Tempestose ha alle spalle un passato difficile, svelato attraverso flashback e rivelazioni. “Lui è me più di me stessa – scrive la Brontë -. Di qualunque cosa siano fatte le nostre anime, la sua e la mia sono le stesse. (Maura Battistini) (Translation)
La Opinión de Málaga (Spain) and what Virginia Woolf thought about Charlotte Brontë:
Su condición de mujer precursora del feminismo convierte en reveladores sus ensayos sobre Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot o Elizabeth Barrett Browning, donde incide en cómo la vida de las mujeres se ha visto acotada y restringida por expectativas sociales perniciosas
Aún así en el primer ensayo de la colección, que escribe sobre las novelas de Charlotte Brontë, Woolf anida esta exquisita visión de sus virtudes narrativas: «Todos y cada uno sus libros parecen un gesto supremo de desafío, retan a que sus torturadores se marchen y la dejen como Reina de una espléndida isla de la imaginación. Igual que haría un capitán en apuros, congregó a sus tropas y con orgullo aniquiló al enemigo». (Javier García Recio) (Translation)

Veja São Paulo (Brazil) talks about the mini book IG reviews that publishes the Palmeiras football player, Gustavo Scarpa. On Wuthering Heights: "Romance meio esquisito, angustiante mas dahora kkkkkkk Muito bom!". Another reviewer is Lithuanian Greta Volosevičiūtė who includes Emily Brontë's book in her top ten in Kauno Diena (Lithuania). Finally, a new entry in the Jane Eyre in Flash Fiction series.


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