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Sunday, January 10, 2021

My Modern Met discusses some facts about Jane Austen:
The author Charlotte Brontë did not like Austen's writing; Charles Darwin, however, loved the novels.
Writing in 1848, the author Charlotte Brontë accused her predecessor's lack of feeling. She described Austen's work as “an accurate daguerreotyped portrait of a common face.” It is unsurprising that Brontë considered Austen's writing rather banal compared to her darker Jane Eyre. However, a surprisingly big fan of Austen's work was Charles Darwin. Ironically, Austen took Darwin's place on the British £10 note in 2013. (Madeleine Muzdakis)
Otakukart lists the 'best' TV/film adaptations of Jane Eyre:
Movies and TV based on Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre have been popular ever since the first adaptation of the novel in a 1910 American silent movie. The short classic drama marked the beginning of numerous Jane Eyre adaptations that are popular even to this day. Charlotte Brontë’s novel Jane Eyre adaptations include a lot of old classics. There are more than sixteen English language film versions of Jane Eyre, including eight silent movies. However, if we consider TV series and adaptations more loosely based on the story, the number is way more than that. Here, we will discuss some of the best Jane Eyre adaptations that perfectly portrayed the Victorian era of the novel. (Tulisha Srivastava)
Rachel Cooke in The Guardian and Covid toes: 
My latest ailment, it seems, may not be chilblains after all, but “Covid toe”, a baffling long-term side-effect of the virus that can last for months (Covid-19 dropped by our mostly quite warm house last spring). Oh, well. Either way, the treatment, at least in mild cases, is the same – hydrocortisone cream or witch-hazel generally do the trick – and so, too, is the Jane Eyre-ish feeling that comes over the afflicted as they gingerly peel off their socks at night in front of the fire.
The best books of 2020 according to The Boar
Mexican Gothic
The captivating cover is enough to have us buying this book, and the ending is enough to make us obsessed! Personally, I am not a horror fan, but this book had me up all night, and not in a bad way. Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s novel is a shining example of the re-emergence of the Gothic genre. If you’re a fan of Dracula, Jane Eyre or Rebecca, this is a novel you have to get your hands on. (Lillie Skerman)
Kashmir Observer recommends horror books for the winter:
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James.
This 1898 Gothic Novella is filled with horror induced by the ambiguous and the mundane. It first appeared in Collier’s weekly in a serialised form. If you’ve read Brontë's especially Jane Eyre; you’d love the vibe of this short book. (Tania Syed)
Today, January 10, on the IRIS TV station (Italy), Jane Eyre 1996:
Domenica 10 gennaio 2021 su IRIS andrà in onda “Jane Eyre” parte del ciclo “Gli Intramontabili”. Il film, diretto dal regista italiano Franco Zeffirelli è una co-produzione italiana, francese e britannica, adattamento del romanzo di Charlotte Brontë. L’appuntamento con il film è alle 21:15 su IRIS.
Il film, uscito nel 1996 ha incassato più di 5 milioni di dollari negli Stati Uniti. Il film ha anche vinto un David di Donatello per i migliori costumi. (Davide Allegra in dituttounp) (Translation)
And, of course, your daily Bridgerton mentions:
Régi meggyőződésem, hogy télen, amikor szürkeség és hideg van, pláne a karácsonyi szezonban, kosztümös klasszikusokat kell olvasni és nézni. Leginkább Jane Austent, de a Brontë nővérek is belefér. A vigasztalan sötétség remek ellenpontjai ezek az eleganciával, reneszánsz műveltséggel, fojtott vonzalmakkal, és ideális esetben elmés fejtegetésekkel teli történetek. (Bódar Judit Lola in 24.hu) (Translation)

 Più austero di Mr Darcy, più passionale di Mr Rochester, più sexy di Heathcliff (a voler fare una combo tra universo maschile della Austen e delle sorelle Brontë), il Duca ha lanciato una nuova carriera per Regé-Jean Page. (Laura Larcan in Il Messaggero) (Translation)
Les séries et films à voir si vous avez aimé “La Chronique des Bridgerton” (...)
Jane Eyre (2011). Si vous aimiez écouter de la musique emo angoissante à l'époque et lire les sœurs Brontë (juste nous ?), pensez à Jane Eyre. Cousine lunatique de Orgueil et Préjugés, cette belle adaptation du roman de Charlotte Brontë de 1847 met en scène Michael Fassbender et Mia Wasikowska et a été réalisée par l'auteur de True Detective Cary Joji Fukunaga. (Anna Moeslein in GQ Magazine) (Translation)

 Auf Netflix ist eine neue Serie namens Bridgerton an den Start gegangen, die einen regelrechten Hype mit sich bringt. Die Serie stellt eine Mischung aus altbekannten Formaten wie „Jane Eyre“, Downton Abbey et cetera mit einem poppigeren und moderneren Ansatz dar. (SerienJunkies) (Translation)

Ma Se Domani (Italy) enjoys a Korean TV series, Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol :
 Una serie che fin dal titolo mettesse in evidenza il legame tra romanticismo e libri non poteva essere così male. Tra l’altro, sono piuttosto convinta che la mia insoddisfazione per l’assenza di un lato romantico della mia vita sarebbe molto più sopportabile, se non avessi creato e nutrito le mie aspettative proprio con la lettura dei romanzi romantici per eccellenza come Orgoglio e Pregiudizio di Jane Austen (che so praticamente a memoria come la protagonista della serie Lost in Austen) e Cime Tempestose di Emily Brontë. (Francesca Meraviglia) (Translation)

La Nación (Paraguay) mentions a pioneer local radio adaptation of Wuthering Heights:

 Otro de los programas de gran relevancia en la radio La Capital constituía la radionovela “Cumbres Borrascosas”, obra original de la escritora británica Emily Broté (sic), escrita en el año 1847 y considerada un clásico de la literatura inglesa, a cargo de la Compañía Radioteatral Paraguay, bajo la dirección de Francisco F. López, según la publicación del diario El Tiempo, del 17 de marzo de 1942 que reproducimos en la página. (Eduardo Palacios) (Translation)

Nerd Daily and Bookish Jottings publish reviews of The Wife Upstairs by Rachel Hawkins. 


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