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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Stay at Home Artist posts about a curious article published in the Lippincott's Magazine in December 1885:
I found an interesting article describing a couple's visit to The Pensionnat Heger from the 1880's. What struck me was the kindness of the Heger family towards the endless visitors seeking the scenes of what was for them, a painful episode.
Feminism in India has an article about Wuthering Heights seen as a "Tale Of Repressed Boyhood And Trauma":
Wuthering Heights, the sole novel written by Emily Brontë, is a promising tale with a pervasive psychological impact upon the reader. The haunted mansion, picturesque but desolate moors, long winding roads and the hailing thunderstorms and blissful sunshine, all make it an enriching and heart-rending read as it depicts the peaks and extremities of human longing and love. It also tells a parallel, hidden story of repressed and unseen trauma of boyhood, and the brutal suppression of emotional instincts that becomes instrumental across the rite of passage to manhood. (...) (Bhaskar Choudhoury)
The Bookseller announces how
Penguin Random House is launching a new collection of audiobooks from the Penguin Classics list this September, featuring acting stars of "Noughts + Crosses", "Sex Education" and "His Dark Materials" as narrators.
The new compilation comprises classics such as The Voyage Out read by Masali Baduza, break-out star of the BBC's "Nought and Crosses"; Wuthering Heights read by Aimee-Lou Wood of "Sex Education"; and To The Lighthouse read by Ruth Wilson of "His Dark Materials". The collection is intended to "recognise the significance, diversity and skill of women in the arts, both for their visionary thinking and their impressive work". (Katherine Cowdrey)
Financial Times reviews the exhibition Scene Through Wood in the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford:
Charlotte Brontë set the stage for the pastoral of Jane Eyre by introducing her heroine absorbed in Berwick’s (sic) engravings of birds. A few years after Berwick (sic), reclusive dreamer Edward Calvert declared his own vocation through the metaphor of a farmer cutting furrows in the soil, representing the engraver incising intricate lines. His sensuous, elongated “The Ploughman” (1827) is set in English woodland, opening on a glimpse of Mediterranean artifice — the Three Graces, ethereally evoked within and through the tough, intractable texture of wood. (Jackie Wullschläger)
The Daily Mail mentions how
Our 15-year-old daughter spent part of our holiday reading Jane Eyre, a set text for her GCSE next summer. But once back home she received an email announcing the novel had been struck out by the examination board because of the amount of school time lost in lockdown. (Stephen Robinson)
The Boar and literary characters during the summer:
Often, we get so caught up in the stories that we’re reading, we don’t stop to imagine what the characters would be like in a completely different setting. For example, it’s amusing to stop and think of the perpetually tortured Victor Frankenstein at Christmas, wearing one of those crinkled paper hats you find in crackers. Or to think of the gloomy, rolling moors of Wuthering Heights becoming the sight of a vast Easter egg hunt, dotted with technicolour plastic eggs – just imagine Heathcliff wearing fluffy bunny ears. (Alice Standen)
Whitehot Magazine reviews the installation, Christina Petterson: In the Pines at Locust Projects in Miami:
The Installation references mid-19th century Gothic Revival, it’s focus on morbid romance, indominable nature, spiritualism, and death; and all the ‘sadness-and-longing’, of ‘Gothic Novels’ like Emily Brontë’s ‘Wuthering Heights', about a mis-matched couple who spend their lives acting out irreconcilable passions across the barren moors of 19th-century England; or Edgar Allen Poe’s dark tales of obsession, terror and death. (David Rohn)
WCBE recommends the film adaptation of The Guernsey Literary Society and Potato Peel Pie Society:
The Guernsey Literary Society and Potato Peel Pie Society will make you long for a permanent return of the old-fashioned, tear-jerking, gorgeously photographed war-drama romance. Together with the similar Summerland in recent Netflix release, Guernsey displays the Brits’ gift for crafting melodrama and morality in the spirit of the rambling novels of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë, and a host of 19th century writers without peer.
To facilitate joyful tears, director Mike Newell, who made his name with Four Weddings and a Funeral, casts the incomparable Lily James as writer Juliet Ashton in post-war London; her success at crafting romantic tales and biographies (Ann [sic] Brontë, no less) brings her to Guernsey, one of the Channel Islands occupied in WWII by Nazis because, although a self-governing dependency of the British crown, it is closer to Europe than England. (John Desando)
Reader's Digest has a list of the punniest book titles:
The Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde
The New York Times bestseller The Eyre Affair, written by British novelist Jasper Fforde, follows the story of Thursday Next, a literary detective who tries to figure out who kidnapped literary characters from stories, set in a parallel 1980s England where everyone is obsessed with literature. Someone has—literally—taken Jane Eyre from Charlotte Brontë’s novel of the same name and it’s up to Thursday to figure out who kidnapped Eyre and how to restore balance to the literary world. (Madeleine Wahl)
Bookriot talks about Alice Hoffman's novels:
For those who know Alice Hoffman, it is a well-known fact that one of Hoffman’s very favorite books is Wuthering Heights. There is so much left unknown, the ambiguity at the end, is how Hoffman has commented on Emily Brontë’s enduring novel. After reading the first few pages of Here on Earth, I thought I was reading Wuthering Heights set in the modern day of a small town in Massachusetts. Hoffman’s tale of obsessive love begins when March Murray returns to her Massachusetts hometown with her teenage daughter to pay her last respects to her housekeeper (who had served as March’s mother when March’s mother had passed in her infancy). Upon her arrival, March encounters the fixation of her youth: a scoundrel named Hollis (the modern day Heathcliff); March becomes temporarily and very dangerously seduced by Hollis’s obsessive and brutal love. (Nancy Snyder)
The Telegraph visits Scarborough and only gets a passing comment on Anne Brontë:
We took a surf lesson on North Bay beach courtesy of Dexter’s Surf Shop (dexterssurfschool.co.uk), in the shadow of the town’s ruined castle and Anne Brontë’s grave up on the headland. (Rhonda Carrier)
Literary Hub interviews the writer Darcey Steinke:
Book Marks: Favorite book you were assigned in high school?
DS: Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë. I remember readings all these ok classics and then this book entered me like a shard of falling glass. Jesus what a novel! It has a truly crazy energy and is as different from say Jane Austin (sic)  as cake is to electricity.
Il Corriere Della Sera (Italy) interviews Alessio Vlad, composer of Jane Eyre 1996:
Valerio Cappelli: Zeffirelli?
«Mi affidò un film quando avevo poca esperienza, dapprima un documentario sulla Toscana poi I sei personaggi in cerca d’autore. Era un uomo generoso, mi buttò nella mischia. Per la colonna sonora di Jane Eyre, Weinstein, il produttore dello scandalo, non mi voleva, scosse il capo alle prime simulazioni musicali che Franco gli mandava. Alla quarta volta gli rimandò la prima che avevo composto, non se ne accorse e disse: questa va bene». (Translation)
PVRA (Serbia) talks about the Serbian translation of Reader, I Married Him, edited by Tracy Chevalier:
Ambicija i mašta Šarlot Brontë očaravaju nas već dva veka, pa su tako i neke od najboljih autorki današnjice u njenim legendarnim rečenicama pronašle inspiraciju da ispišu nove romanse i ljubavne priče. Dame biraju, priče neponovljive Trejsi Ševalije, inspirisane su delima sestara Brontë! Tako će neobično venčanje doneti neočekivan obrt nevesti i njenoj kćerki, porodično putovanje podstaći će odluke koje menjaju život, a novopečena majka srešće staru ljubav u pričama koje slave snagu romana Šarlot Brontë. (Translation)
24 Horas (México) recommends Jane, Le Renard et Moi by Isabelle Arsenault and Fanny Britt:
Jane, el zorro y yo
Hélène es una muchacha de doce años que inexplicablemente ha sido dejada de lado por sus antiguas amigas, que ahora se divierten humillándola en público. El día a día de la protagonista es un infierno y su autoestima se resiente hasta el punto de que llega a asumir como ciertos los insultos recibidos. Su único consuelo es la lectura de Jane Eyre, la novela de Charlotte Brontë, con cuya desgraciada protagonista se siente identificada. (Translation)
Welt (Germany) discusses the German translation of the writings of Mary McLane:
Über Charlotte Brontës autobiografisches Meisterwerk „Jane Eyre“ etwa heißt es, das Buch sei gescheitert. Auch im Fall der Malerin und damaligen Kult-Tagebuchautorin Marie Bashkirtseff werden gravierende Mängel gesucht und gefunden. In ihrer selbstbezüglichen Originalgenie-Obsession ist für MacLane offenbar allein schon der Gedanke unerträglich, dass es ein weibliches Ich gegeben haben könnte, das vor ihr Literaturgeschichte geschrieben hat. (Marianna Lieder) (Translation)
The Telegraph & Argus once again reminds us of how much an issue is car parking in Haworth; Debate (México) recommends Jane Eyre; Bookreporter reviews Finola Austin's Brontë's Mistress. Coffee, Books & Cake posts about Jane Eyre and Blogology Blogs reviews Wuthering Heights 2011.


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