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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday, July 12, 2020 10:30 am by M. in , , , ,    No comments
Today on SWR2 (Germany), the first instalment of Sturmhöhe, a radio adaptation of Wuthering Heights (that we have reported previously here and here):
Hörspiel: Sturmhöhe 
Translation: Gisela Etzel
Adaptation: Ilka Saal and Gerhard Wolf
Directed by Kai Grehn
Catherine. Franziska Wulf
Heathcliff: Andreas Fehling
Cathy: Jule Böwe
Nelly: Bibiana Beglau
Lockwood: Sebastian Blomberg
Music by Anne Clark & Murat Parlak

SWR2, July 12 and July 19, 18:20 h
News.com.au. asks writer Kester Grant about her new projects:
And then there is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë.
“Being Creole-Mauritian myself, I’d love to write a story where Bertha Mason is not just the ‘mad Creole’ first wife that must be locked up in the attic,” she says.
“I think Jane Eyre and Bertha need to escape together and have awesome lady adventures.” (Duncan Lay)
Brontë meets Rhys, through Disney à la Mulan?

The Daily Mail recommends friendly walks for ... your dog:
Hathersage: This circular walk – gentle by Peak District standards – takes in beautiful countryside around Hathersage, which inspired Brontë’s Jane Eyre (6 miles).  (Martin Dunford)
Forward reviews Daphne Merkin's 22 Minutes of Unconditional Love:
Soon afterwards, Howard Rose enters the picture, “a Heathcliff of sorts,” “a man who deeply dislikes and fears the women he desires.” He appeals to Judith’s fantasies of rescue, of herself and of him. Or so the narrator intervenes to say, confiding that she wants the reader with her, “figuring out this story” in “the self-conscious postmodernist way.” (Julia M. Klein)
The Sunday Times lists fostered and adopted children in literature like Jane Eyre or Heathcliff.

tvxs (Greece) reviews Why Love Hurts: A Sociological Explanation by Eva Illouz:
Γιατί πληγώνει ο έρωτας - τουλάχιστον κάποιες φορές; Τι είναι τόσο συναρπαστικό στην ιστορία χαρακτήρων όπως η Έμμα Μποβαρύ ή η Κάθριν και ο Χίθκλιφ, οι άτυχοι εραστές στα Ανεμοδαρμένα ύψη της Emily Brontë[.] (Translation)
Vanity Fair (Italy) recommends romantic novels (or sort of):
L’amore non è romanticismo. Non solo. È la gelosia che ha scosso le Cime Tempestose di Emily Brontë. (...)
Cime tempestose, caposaldo del genere, racconta un amore tormentato, venato di gelosia e desiderio di vendetta. Quello tra Catherine e Heathcliffe (sic) non è l'amor gentile di una principessa legata al suo principe, ma l'amore violente di due amanti passionali. Che, nel consumarsi dei propri istinti, finiscono però per consumare il mondo circostante. (Claudia Casiraghi) (Translation)
Tia Sáng (Vietnam) talks about the memoirs book Nhất Linh, cha tôi by Nguyễn Tường Thiết
Nhất Linh cũng tự vẫn khi đang ngồi trên một chiếc ghế, với chai rượu và cuốn Wuthering Heights còn để trước mặt, dù có khác nhau, vì người cha của Paul Auster từ giã cõi đời không hẹn trước, còn Nhất Linh đã tự sắp đặt những phút giây cuối đời mình.(Tin Liên Quan) (Translation)
Bradford Today (Canada) recommends Jasper Fforde's The Eyre Affair. Today on Iris TV (Italy) (02:00 AM), Jane Eyre 1986.


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