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Thursday, December 05, 2019

Thursday, December 05, 2019 10:39 am by Cristina in , , , , ,    No comments
The Telegraph discusses the treatment of Princess Alice in the new season of The Crown.
At Buckingham Palace, she was housed not in a far-flung attic room like Mrs Rochester in Jane Eyre, as depicted in The Crown, but in a handsome suite of rooms overlooking The Mall, next to the balcony room on the first floor; the same room that the Duchess of Windsor stayed during her late husband’s funeral in 1972, and was famously photographed watching the Trooping the Colour procession. (Hugo Vickers)
The AU Review features Debra Adelaide’s The Innocent Reader.
There are many relatable and quotable pearls of wisdom to be had in its pages, as well as some serious literary criticism. For example, a discussion on Adelaide’s own novel The Women’s Pages and its link with Wuthering Heights is contained in the essay “Journey Into Uncertainty”. (Emily Paull)
L'Humanité (France) reviews the novel Un dimanche à Ville-d’Avray by Dominique Barbéris.
Dans leur jeunesse, Claire-Marie et sa cadette s’étaient prises de passion pour Jane Eyre, le roman de Charlotte Brontë, sur le refoulement du sentiment amoureux face à la pesanteur des conventions sociales. (Jean-Claude Lebrun) (Translation)
Arezzo Notizie recommends the new book Le amiche che vorresti e dove trovarle.
Le amiche che vorresti e dove trovarle, un bel modo per avvicinarsi al Natale - Blog
„Ventidue ritratti di eroine letterarie, da Emma Bovary a Jane Eyre, da Lady Chatterley a Anna Karenina, da Marianna a Pippi Calzelunghe, fino ad arrivare alle più moderne Matilde di Roald Dahl e Lavinia di Bianca Pitzorno. Personaggi femminili che hanno in comune la voglia di uscire dagli schemi della propria società, donne con personalità e identità fortissime.“ (Elena Giacomin) (Translation)
Página 12 (Argentina) features the play Reinos and how it came to be.
-¿Cómo fue el pasaje de este imaginario al teatro? A. M.: -Nos juntábamos a leer el diario y empezaron a aparecer otros libros, de Sara Gallardo, las hermanas Brontë; se iban sumando escritoras en la naturaleza, escritores que no viven en la ciudad, que escriben en la intimidad y que por alguna razón no fueron publicados hasta después de muertos. A partir de ahí fuimos escribiendo, dándonos cuenta de que había algo de nuestras vidas que se unía con ese diario. (María Daniela Yaccar) (Translation)
We highly recommend reading The Eyre Guide's selection of '7 Unusual Jane Eyre Adaptation Choices'.


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