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Saturday, February 09, 2019

The Craven Herald & Pioneer announces the upcoming performances of Blake Morrison's We Are Three Sisters in Skipton:
The Brontës head for Skipton this month as the town’s Little Theatre hosts Blake Morrison’s play We Are Three Sisters.
Skipton Players will present the story of the sisters’ lives from February 19 to 23 in a play inspired by Chekhov’s classic Three Sisters.
Poet, playwright and novelist Morrison set his play in a windswept Northern village where three remarkable women live their lives brightly.
A spokesman said: “In Haworth in the 1840s, in a gloomy parsonage, where there are neither curtains nor comforts, Charlotte, Anne and Emily Brontë light up their world with outspoken wit, aspirations, dreams and ideas.
“And throughout their confined lives intensely lived… they write.
“With a touch of poetic licence, Morrison shows us the overwhelming humanity, charged emotions and brooding unease which characterise the Brontë household – and that of Chekhov’s Three Sisters.
Morrison was born in Skipton in 1950 to an English father and an Irish mother, both physicians. He grew up in Thornton-in-Craven and attended Ermysted’s Grammar School.
The Isle of Wight County Press reviews the local performances of Polly Teale's Brontë:
Whether you are a huge fan of the Brontë sisters, or know very little about them, the latest offering at the Apollo Theatre is a fascinating one.
The theatre is staging Brontë, a 2005 play by Polly Teale — a brilliant review of the lives of the remarkable trio of sisters/authors, who despite being cooped up in an isolated parsonage, managed to free themselves by creating enthralling and timeless stories.
It takes the audience through their lives from childhood to the heartbreaking moment their brother Branwell dies, swiftly followed by the loss of Anne then Emily, leaving Charlotte bereft and forced to carve out a new life for herself.
Not only does it chart the Brontës’ lives, but the play interweaves their main characters — paying particular attention to the tormented Bertha from Jane Eyre, and the wild Cathy from Wuthering Heights. (...)
The cast of just six were incredibly impressive, dealing with a dialogue-rich text and giving honest and sometimes brutal portrayals of everything from seething frustrations to full-on madness. (Lori Little)
The Yorkshire Post lists the best photos of the week in Yorkshire. Including this one:
Brontë Parsonage Museum's new exhibition
Museum Curator Sarah Laycock making finishing touches to Patrick Brontë's study before the museum opens its doors for the 2019 season. (Grace Newton)
A Haworth reader writes a letter to Keighley News:
As I write, the now-closed Haworth Tourist Information Centre stands derelict looking down Main Street.
However, it could be made a little more useful and pleasing to the eye.
Why not use the windows to display local maps, Brontë Parsonage information, Keighley & Worth Valley Railway train information?
The list could go on – and at least the building would look better and still provide a service. (Christopher Lee)
The Guardian briefly mentions The Unthanks' Lines release:
The Unthanks continue to experiment ravenously and joyously, their new three-CD trilogy, Lines, coming from three perspectives: Hull fishing worker Lillian Bilocca (voiced by Maxine Peake), Emily Brontë and first world war poets. (Jude Rogers)
The Ipswich Star made us smile with this chronicle:
Sitting alongside Martin Luther King and Emily Brontë in assembly at one Ipswich school this morning was a want-to-be paediatric consultant, an aspiring midwife and a handful of Olympic hopefuls.
Pupils at Martlesham Primary Academy embraced their first-ever Aspiration Day and went to school dressed in an outfit depicting their future careers. (...)
Tabitha Sturgeon, 10, was dressed as Emily Brontë and spoke about her ambitions to be an author and illustrator. (Suzanne Day)
The bicentenary of John Ruskin on BBC Culture:
If we think of John Ruskin at all today it tends to be as the buttoned-up Victorian who was so repulsed by his wife Effie Gray’s pubic hair that he could not consummate their marriage. The anecdote, which was actually invented in the 20th Century, has overshadowed the fact that Ruskin was one of the most influential figures in modern history, inspiring everyone from Charlotte Brontë to Mahatma Gandhi and the founders of the UK’s National Trust. (...)
Had it not been for Ruskin it is questionable whether Turner’s art would be so popular today. The first volume of what became Ruskin’s five-book series on Modern Painters was written in 1843 as a defence of the artist, and attributed simply to ‘a Graduate of Oxford’. In it, Ruskin praised Turner as “the only perfect landscape painter whom the world has ever seen”. Although Ruskin feared that public opinion had been permanently tainted by the critics, his words found an appreciative public. As well as Charlotte Brontë, William Wordsworth and Alfred, Lord Tennyson were among the readers who praised them. (Daisy Dunn)
The Maroon discusses the TV series You:
Joe and Beck, in many ways, represent different ideals about social media and modernity. Beck writes poetry and fiction on her laptop, while Joe shelves two-hundred-year-old copies of Wuthering Heights in a dim-lit bookstore. (Kaylie Seidin)
KPVI follows a local recitation poetry competition:
Parsons, a senior at Hellgate, took home first place in the regional competition after reciting “The Light of Stars” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and ['Often rebuked, yet always back returning'] by Emily Brontë. (Cameron Evans)
Cape Cod Times loved the film Cold War:
 They are victims of circumstances, but not entirely. Sometimes they simply aren’t equipped to make things work even in relatively good circumstances. And that’s what gives the characters, and this film, additional weight. Like Shakespearean characters, or Emily Brontë’s Heathcliff, Wiktor and Zula are sometimes their own worst enemies, which makes their story all the more tragic. (Tim Miller)
The Guardian sings the praises of sleeping well:
Sleep disruption has further been associated with all major psychiatric conditions, including depression, anxiety and suicidality. Indeed, in my research over the past 20 years, we have not been able to find a single major psychiatric condition in which sleep is normal. Science is thus proving the prophetic wisdom of Charlotte Brontë, who stated that “a ruffled mind makes a restless pillow”. (Matthew Walker)
Mashable has a chronicle of the Khala Goda Arts Festival in India:
Volunteers assuming everyone was stopping for pictures kept blowing warning whistles urging people to move away. I elbowed my way to a stationery stall that had book-inspired bookmarks. It resulted in a surprisingly delightful conversation with a fellow geek about how much we love Emily Brontë. (Tanzim Pardiwalla)
According to Woman & Home:
To mark Valentine’s Day, Goodreads have announced their top romance novels of all time, based on the ratings of their 80 million members. (...)
The original romance novel Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, is of course up there at number four, while you’ll find Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre much further down the list at number 13. (Amy Hunt)
An alert for today on BBC Two:
Jane Eyre, 2.00pm Saturday, BBC Two
Not to be confused with the 2011 cinema version of the classic Charlotte Brontë novel starring Mia Wasikowska and Michael Fassbender, this is a 1943 adaptation featuring Joan Fontaine in the lead role, while an outstanding Orson Welles plays Edward Rochester. (John Byrne on RTÉ)
Standard Digital (Kenia) and love:
Subsequent writers in English and other languages, too, pick up this theme to great effect. Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights is at its core a story of obsessive love between the unmannered Heathcliff and the urbane Catherine – where the two love intensely but never get married. Catherine, instead, marries Hindley Earnshaw because it is socially convenient. (Barrack Muluka)
CafeMom and baby names:
Pay respect to three amazing authors by bestowing this special name upon a daughter. It's different enough that no one else will have it, but not so uncommon that people will poke fun. Plus, paging Dr. Bronte has a nice ring to it. (Megan Zander)
Volksblatt (Austria) reviews the CD release of Jane Eyre. The Musical by Musical Frühling in Gmunden:
Nun erscheint die Doppel-CD „Jane Eyre — Das Musical“ mit der Aufzeichnung der deutschsprachigen Erstaufführung und dem Original Cast unter der musikalischen Leitung von Caspar Richter.
Getragen wird die rührende Geschichte der Jane Eyre (gesungen von Elisabeth Sikora) und ihrem Aufstieg vom Waisenkind zur Lady eines Herrenhauses durch die musikalische Interpretation der Kernaussage „Liebe dich selbst!“. Dies wird mit Titeln wie „Liebe fordert Mut“ und „Mutig ist mein Herz“ für die Zuhörerschaft musikalisch allzu offensichtlich aufbereitet.
In opulenten Melodien und mit qualitativem Orchesterklang (Orchester des Musical Frühlings in Gmunden) wird neben Janes Liebe zu sich selbst auch eine romantische Beziehung zwischen ihr und dem Hausherren Mr. Rochester (gesungen von Yngve Gasoy-Romdal) dargestellt. (Translation)
Coming Soon (Italy) talks about the Tim Burton film Dark Shadows:
La serie, iniziata come un mystery gotico a metà tra Jane Eyre, Cime tempestose e Il conte di Montecristo, prese ben presto una svolta soprannaturale, facendo grande presa tra i ragazzini dell'età di Tim Burton o di poco più grandi. (Daniela Catelli) (Translation)
Lux Gallery (Italy) talks about love stories in books and cinema:
Cambiando registro ed epoca, Cime Tempestose di Emily Brontë ci offre l’esempio di un amore struggente, doloroso, vendicativo e profondo, che travalica, anch’esso, i confini della vita mortale. Heathcliff e Catherine, il loro è un amore così passionale che sfiora l’odio. Le classi sociali li vogliono separati, ma tra i propositi di vendetta e rivalsa di lui, i languori e le crisi isteriche di lei, matrimoni di convenienza e figli dal destino segnato, è “Catherine” il nome che Heathcliff chiama tra la neve della brughiera, anche se lei non c’è più. La donna, dal canto suo, esprime perfettamente la visceralità del suo sentimento affermando “Heathcliff sono io”. (Veronica Faniello)
La Región (Spain) announces the performance of the Teatre Lliure's production of Jane Eyre in Ourense. John Haber finds Jane Eyre connections in Jeanne Silverthorne's From Darkness installation.


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