A couple of Brontë-related talks for today, June 11:
1. In Cardiff:
Cardiff BookTalk: Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights
Wallace Lecture Theatre, Main Building
Park Place
Mon 11 June 2018
18:30 – 20:30 BST
Our final BookTalk event for the Spring will celebrate the bicentenary of Emily Brontë with a discussion of her only – confirmed – novel: Wuthering Heights.
When Wuthering Heights was published in 1847, one reviewer remarked that ‘the reader is shocked, almost sickened by details of cruelty, inhumanity, and the most diabolical hate and vengeance.’ He concluded by saying ‘[w]e strongly recommend all our readers who love novelty to get this story, for we can promise them that they have never read anything like it before.’
Like her intricate and avant-garde novel, Brontë fascinated and confounded many of her acquaintances and readers. Of her sister, Charlotte Brontë memorably wrote that an ‘interpreter ought always to have stood between her and the world.’ Since then, Brontë’s life and her novel have been subject to endless reinterpretation by writers, filmmakers and artists from across the world.
This BookTalk event will feature three expert speakers who will shed light on the life, literary work, and cultural legacy of the woman known as the ‘sphinx of our modern literature…whose riddle no amount of research will enable us to read.’ The speakers are:
Amber Pouliot (Halaxton College), a Victorianist with interests in the Brontës, Victorian afterlives and literary tourism. She will be discussing incest fantasies about Emily and Branwell Brontë in interwar biofiction and biodrama.
Dr Catherine Paula Han (Cardiff University), a Brontë and adaptation studies specialist. Her presentation will focus on the enigma of the second generation of Earnshaws, Lintons and Heathcliffs in Wuthering Heights.
Dr Márta Minier (University of South Wales), a researcher and lecturer in translation, adaptation, European drama, theatre, literature and culture. She will be discussing the reception and reinterpretation of the Brontës within Europe and Hungary.
2. In Boardman, OH:
Reader's Choice Book Club-Boardman
Boardman Library
6/11/2018 at 7:00 PM
We will discuss "Jane Eyre", by Charlotte Brontë. Share your favorite books and find out what new ones are being published.
(Via The Vindicator)
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